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2005 Environment Stories
Newspaper Story - Rescuers found Jerry Toops, his wife Lisa and their three children after more than one billion gallons of water spilled from a breach in a hydroelectric plant reservoir, flooding Johnson's Shut-ins State Park and the superintendent's home.
12/ 5/2005:
Newspaper Story - All Missouri drivers would have corn in their gas tank.
Radio Story - The Democrats focused on Missouri's response to natural diasters.
11/ 3/2005:
Newspaper Story - Protection of farmland against private developers seemed to be a consenus Thursday among members of the Task Force on Eminent Domain.
11/ 2/2005:
Newspaper Story - Central Missouri AmerenUE customers will pay approximately 18 percent more for their natural gas this month.
11/ 2/2005:
Radio Story - The storms left more than 200 thousand people without power for several days. The commission reports an adequate response from AmerenUE, but also recommends some improvements for the future.
Newspaper Story - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released a plan that will induce two Missouri River Spring rises.
Radio Story - The Public Service Commission is investigating natural gas providers to ensure they are doing their part to hedge pricing.
Radio Story - SEMA sponsored an all-day training session for case workers of hurricane evacuees.
Radio Story - As the bird flu continues to spread overseas, Missouri is taking precautions.
Radio Story - Missouri's state veterinarian says that since the avian flu has not yet hit US shores, it is not a significant threat to Americans.
Radio Story - The disease is closely related to Mad Cow Disease and has been found in six states boardering Missouri.
Radio Story - Senator Matt Bartle says voters attitudes haven't changed
Newspaper Story - Rural democrats annouced a bill that would prohibit the government for taking private property for private development.
Radio Story - An earthquake bigger than the one that devastated Pakistan could shake Missouri. Yet State leaders are in no hurry to fill more than a half dozen vacancies on the earthquake preparation commission.
Radio Story - More than half a dozen positions remain open on the Missouri earthquake commission. The Governer's office says they are in no hurry to fill the vacancies.
Newspaper Story - Two Missouri congressmen heard from top Missouri farm leaders about agriculture crisis.
Radio Story - U.S. Senator Jim Talent and Representative Jo Ann Emerson urge the Director of Homeland Security to schedule exercises for Missouri
10/ 4/2005:
Radio Story - Monarch butterflies are passing through Missouri on their way south for the winter. They travel up to two-thousand miles for the migration.
Radio Story - The commission has not met since September 2004 because Gov. Blunt has not replaced two members.
Radio Story - Supporters and opponents of the state's eminent domain laws voiced their opinions at a public hearing.
Radio Story - Animals that are endangered, out of season, or non-native to Missouri may not legally be taken out of their natural environment.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Department of Conservation adopted a new electronic game checking system.
Radio Story - The Missouri Attorney General's office says the state sued the man responsible for the state's only reported scam in the wake of the Gulf Coast hurricanes.
Newspaper Story - A spokesperson for AmerenUE, Missouri's largest electric utility provider, raised the possibility of an electric rate increase.
Radio Story - Senate Judiciary Committee vice chairman Robert Mayer says that since the state does not own the Boonville Katy bridge, the suit should be thrown out.
Radio Story - A judge today ruled Attorney General Jay Nixon can sue the Department of Natural Resources to prevent the demolishment of the old Boonville bridge.
Radio Story - A judge ruled Attorney General Jay Nixon can proceed with a lawsuit against the Department of Natural Resources in a dispute over the old Boonville Bridge.
9/ 6/2005:
Newspaper Story - At a press conference Tuesday, the governor and the state's adjutant general announced they are expecting around 4,000 vicitms of Hurricane Katrina to enter the state.
9/ 6/2005:
Radio Story - Natural gas shortage in the Gulf is leading to higher natural gas prices in Missouri.
9/ 6/2005:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Task Force on Eminent Domain, established this summer by Gov. Matt Blunt is studying the practice of eminent domain throughout the state. The task force is studying the use of eminent domain, the law allowing the seizure of private property without the consent of the owner as long as the property will be used for a public purpose and the owner is justly compensated.
9/ 2/2005:
Newspaper Story - Missouri State Treasurer, Sarah Steelman, announced a statewide effort to find available housing in Mo. for Hurricane Katrina victims
9/ 2/2005:
Radio Story - Friday morning major units from Columbia, Fulton, and Maryville left for New Orleans to provide aid.
9/ 2/2005:
Newspaper Story - In the special legislative session set to begin Sept. 6, legislators will reconsider two bills that failed earlier this year. In addition, the governor's call included nearly a dozen technical corrections to legislation passed earier.
Newspaper Story - Personal landscapes have suffered severly from the drought this year.
Radio Story - Legislation to ban private ownership of lions and tigers has died in Missouri's legislature.
Radio Story - One University of Missouri professor says the bullfrog is a pest. Kansas City Representative Susan Phillips says she doesn't care about the arguments against her bill.
Radio Story - One University of Missouri professor says the bullfrog is a pest. Kansas City Representative Susan Phillips says she thinks the arguments against her bill are silly.
Radio Story - The bill would allow harsher penalties for trespassers in animal facilities.
3/ 8/2005:
Radio Story - In an effort to squeeze more money from the Missouri government, Governor Matt Blunt has formed a commission to reduce state bureaucracy. Blunt has asked a group of Missouri business leaders, citizens, former state employees and the Lieutenant Governor to review how state agencies are organized. Blunt says the commission could recommend cutting state services, consolidating agencies, and eliminating positions.
Radio Story - The first official Missouri state amphibian may be a bullfrog that has a tendency to eat its own kind.
Radio Story - Republicans are supporting a bill to name a bridge over the Mississippi after the late President Reagan
Newspaper Story - Doyle Childers, a moderate Republican, was selected to head the Department of Natural Resources on Tuesday.
Radio Story - Sierra Club has praise, if faint, for new DNR chief
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