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Higher Education Stories
Newspaper Story - House bill 1352 removes registered sex offenders from university housing
Newspaper Story - University of Missouri System adopts code of conduct agreement
10/ 1/2007:
Newspaper Story - The University of Missouri system has not been contacted about signing a state sponsored student loan code of conduct regarding their preferred lender list,
Radio Story - A Cole County judge will hear a request Tuesday to halt a 230 million dollar transfer from the Missouri college loan program to the state government to be used for the governor's building program.
Newspaper Story - The MoHELA Lawsuit begins Tuesday to try to stop the state mandated transfer of funds on Friday
9/ 5/2007:
Radio Story - The chief attorney for half of Missouri public schools anticipates that the fight to change school funding will continue.
9/ 5/2007:
Radio Story - Vice Chairman of the Committee for Education Equality was surprised by last Wednesday's school funding ruling, and anticipates an appeal
5/ 9/2007:
Newspaper Story - Students have three weeks left to sign up for virtual schools
5/ 7/2007:
Radio Story - If the Missouri General Assembly approves Gov. Blunt's proposed sale of MOHELA assets, Rep. Zweifel vows to petition moving decision to ballot in November of 2008.
5/ 7/2007:
Radio Story - The Missouri House of Representatives finally passed the sale of MOHELA bill after a fight by many Democratic members to force the bill back to the Senate.
5/ 7/2007:
Newspaper Story - Repulicans call it the
5/ 3/2007:
Newspaper Story - The governor's Campus Security Task Force met for the first time to begin plans for a report on Higher Education.
5/ 1/2007:
Radio Story - Missouri's House Higher Education Committee voted Tuesday to keep an amendment which allows legislators without a graduate degree to teach political science at state universities.
5/ 1/2007:
Newspaper Story - House committee passes MOHELA bill
Radio Story - Representative Ed Robb announced Monday a new agreement to bring back 31.2 million dollars to the University of Missouri-Columbia campus for the new Ellis Fischel (FISH-L) Cancer Center.
Newspaper Story - An agreement between state legislators and the governor could restore $31.2 million to MU's new Ellis Fischel Cancer Center, Rep. Ed Robb, R-Columbia, said Monday.
Newspaper Story - The state Senate on Wednesday once again showed their disapproval of embryonic stem-cell research by putting limitations on life sciences research.
Newspaper Story - In a short Senate Education Committee meeting Wednesday, student, professors and lobbyists spoke on a bill that the sponsor said will stop college students from being discriminated against because of their religious or political views.
Radio Story - MoHELA bill passes the Senate Chamber. Fanna (FAUNA) Haile-Selassie (HIGH-lay-sah-LAH-say) heard the arguments
Radio Story - Bill proposes increasing intellectual diversity in classrooms
Newspaper Story - Senate give final passage to MOHELA plan
Newspaper Story - The House Budget chair offers little hope for restoring University of Missouri projects that were to be funded by MOHELA.
Newspaper Story - The state's flagship university lost most of it's construction funding through the proposed MOHELA sale after a nine hour Democratic Filibuster in the Senate
Newspaper Story - The Senate early Thursday morning gave inital passage to a bill that includes the governor's MOHELA plan. More than $46 million was also struck from UMKC and UMC
Newspaper Story - Virginia's shootings prompt Missouri's governor to appoint a task force on college safety.
Newspaper Story - The Senate Appropriations Committee on Wednesday unanimously passed the state's $21 billion budget, which includes a more than 4 percent increase to higher education and the University of Missouri System.
Newspaper Story - House passes intellectual diversity bill
Newspaper Story - Republican leadership said they have been patient with the Democrats objections with the higer education bill but that patience may be wearing thin
Newspaper Story - They UM system interm preisdent on Tuesday and Wednesday visited with legislators to talk about important budget and higher education issues.
Newspaper Story - A House bill that estabilises the Emily Brooker Intellectual Diversity Act was passed Wednesday in the House
4/ 4/2007:
Newspaper Story - Sen. Gary Nodler, R-Joplin, speaks on SB 389, his day-to-day activity and his relationship with unvierstiy leaders
Newspaper Story - As the 2008 budget came before the House of Representatives Tuesday the amount of funds being designated to higher education and the purpose behind doubling the virtual schools program was questioned
Radio Story - St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay visited the capitol to testify in support of a bill that will allow the mayor's office to sponsor charter schools.
Newspaper Story - The governor's plan to sell off some of the state's higher education loan authority assets is in a political quagmire. Not only will Republicans and Democrats decide on a plan, but Democrats cannot come to an agreement amongst themselves, one Senate Democrat said Wednesday.
Newspaper Story - Republicans approached Democrats Tuesday encouraging a compromise after a 15 hour hour filibuster Monday kept the Senate in session overnight
Newspaper Story - Two former University of Missouri Board of Curators on Sunday came out against the governor's plan to sell off some of the assets of the state's loan authority, and said a lawsuit might be brought forward if the Senate passes a bill that authorizes the sell to fund campus building projects.
Radio Story - Two former University of Missouri Curators have denounced MoHELA, creating more critism on Blunt's plan. Fanna (FAUNA) Haile-Selassie (HIGH-lay-suh-LAH-say) has more from the Capitol.
3/ 7/2007:
Newspaper Story - The Senate Eduction Committee on Wednesday unanimously passed a bill that would place a voting student member on university governing boards.
3/ 1/2007:
Newspaper Story - Targeting illegal immigration is a growing issue in the legislature
Newspaper Story - The House gave initial approval today to a bill that would ban illegals from attending the state's colleges and universities, but Democrats say it could result in funds being cut from schools
Newspaper Story - A major proponet of the governor's plan to sell some of the assets of MOHELA to fund higher education buildings retracted his support for the plan late Monday.
Radio Story - The House Democratic Leader sent a letter to the governor voicing his disapproval of the sale.
Newspaper Story - UM System President Elson Floyd wants to keep medical research out of any building construction with funds from the proposed MOHELA sale
Newspaper Story - Sen. Gary Nodler, R-Joplin, presented a substitute Wednesday that adds in buildings that were previously removed
2/ 7/2007:
Radio Story - The Senate Education Committee approves a reduced version of the governor's plan to use college loan program assets for building construction projects.
2/ 7/2007:
Radio Story - Missouri's governor continues to support constuction of college buildings eliminated by the Senate Education Committee.
2/ 7/2007:
Newspaper Story - Governor's plan for MOHELA sell passes the education committee, but 6 of projects that might include any stem-cell research ight not receive funding
2/ 6/2007:
Radio Story - Senators Chris Koster and Tim Green held a news conference on Tuesday concerning a new illegal immigration policy for the state of Missouri.
Newspaper Story - University presidents spoke in favor of many provisions of a comprehensive higher education bill, including the governor's MOHELA plan in a committee meeting Wednesday
Radio Story - The University of Missouri Board of Curators flip flop on stem cell
Newspaper Story - Although there is no word from the governor's office about a special session, party lines are being drawn because of MOHELA
Newspaper Story - The Senate's Cost of a College Education Committee has come out with a report with recommendations to improve higher education
Newspaper Story - Senate confirms two new members of UM Board of Curators
Newspaper Story - The Senate Education Committee discussed Senator Graham's student curator bill
Newspaper Story - Blunt's education plan includes capping tuition and adding more funding to lower and higher education
Newspaper Story - Another nomination to the board of curators is causing controversy in the senate. Judy Haggard is being questioned of her party affiliation
Newspaper Story - A day-long filibuster stalled Senate action Thursday.
Newspaper Story - The stem-cell research debate comes before a Senate committee Wednesday in the form of a higher education nomination.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Blunt commended State Auditor Susan Montee on her plan to audit MoHELA
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