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2010 Environment Stories
Radio Story - Just months after restrictions on dog breeders passed, a repeal is already in the works.
Radio Story - The Missouri State Capital along with four other cities has been selected by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to receive a federal grant to renovate.
11/ 8/2010:
Radio Story - Missouri hunters are changing their interests in turkey hunting to deer archery according to the Conservation Department.
Radio Story - Camdenton resident losing two-year fight with armadillos
10/ 6/2010:
Radio Story - Missouri's Attorney General is filing suit against a St. Charles man who allegedly failed to maintain his underground storage facility at his marina.
Radio Story - Summer conditions bring fall foliage problems for trees in Missouri.
Radio Story - The two- day Chicago bed bug summit ends today.
9/ 9/2010:
Radio Story - First it was E. coli in Lake of the Ozarks, now it's dead grass at the state Capitol. Theo Keith explains in Jefferson City.
9/ 9/2010:
Newspaper Story - A moderage agenda emerges from Claire McCaskill's concluding series of town hall meetings in Missouri.
9/ 9/2010:
Radio Story - Asian carp were originally brought to the United States in the 1970s to eat algae as a safe alternative to pesticides. In the wake of floods in the Deep South in the 1980s, they escaped off fish farms and swam north. Great Lakes Fishery Commission spokesman Marc Gaden (GAY-den) says the invasive species are now a permanent fixture on the Mississippi and Illinois River systems. Researchers are trying to create a pesticide that will kill the Asian carp, but not harm other organisms.
9/ 2/2010:
Radio Story - Armadillos have been spotted in every Missouri county, but the state's Conservation Department tells KMOX they're really quite harmless.
9/ 2/2010:
Radio Story - Missourians are taking strides to become healthier and more sustainable.
9/ 1/2010:
Radio Story - Humidity and dry weather create breeding grounds for fungus.
9/ 1/2010:
Radio Story - A grass fungus has become a huge problem for Missouri's golf courses.
Newspaper Story - The director of a Missouri department infamous for dealing improperly with polluted waters will soon be heading a Gulf recovery trust.
Newspaper Story - Two senators opt for four-legged companionship in their legislative offices.
Radio Story - Representatives from both the House and the Senate have proposed dog fighting legislation, but neither of them have been successful.
Newspaper Story - House committee hears plan to classify animal waste methane gas as a renewable energy source.
Radio Story - The House Agriculture Committee considers adding animal waste to renewable energy standards.
4/ 7/2010:
Newspaper Story - A bill would expand counties that can enact nuisance abatement ordinances and also extend items listed in the statute.
4/ 5/2010:
Newspaper Story - A Columbia storage space was used to hold fraudulently obtained hazardous material containers
Newspaper Story - Missouri lawmakers consider how to control a growing population of wild hogs.
3/ 3/2010:
Newspaper Story - Radioactive gas found in Columbia now under investigation by the U.S. Attorneys office
3/ 2/2010:
Radio Story - A house bill allowing for testing of carbon sequestration in Green County leaves many debating liability issues.
3/ 1/2010:
Newspaper Story - A group of Senate Democrats countered a committee report on E. coli testing with a harshly worded report of their own.
3/ 1/2010:
Radio Story - The Democratic members of the Senate Commerce Committee released a Minority report regarding the investigation of elevated E. coli levels at the Lake of the Ozarks.
Radio Story - What does Obama's stance on nuclear power mean for Missouri?
Radio Story - Governor Nixon's State of the State raised has some top Senators worried.
1/ 5/2010:
Radio Story - In a five-hour hour hearing, a Senate environmental committee hears testimony concerning E. Coli levels at the Lake of the Ozarks.
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