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2012 State Government Organization Stories
12/ 5/2012:
Radio Story - New bill would allow more local control over setting school calendars
12/ 5/2012:
Radio Story - In a move unprecedented in recent memory, the FBI comes to the state Capitol to meet with staffers.
12/ 4/2012:
Radio Story - Rep. Jeff Roorda trying to keep families out of shopping malls on Thanksgiving
Newspaper Story - Gov. Nixon announces support for Medicaid expansion while many Republicans state opposition.
Radio Story - STL developer Paul McKee's attorney call for court to restore his $390M TIF in north city
Radio Story - Transportation committee members say raising taxes may be only way to fix Missouri's crumbling road system
Radio Story - Freshmen House members learn about the legislative process.
Radio Story - Director of the Mo. Dept. of Revenue has refused to attend the past three committee meetings on government bidding
11/ 7/2012:
Newspaper Story - Mo. House Speaker challenges Nixon veto power with new majority
11/ 2/2012:
Radio Story - Missouri Task Force One arrived in New York and is commencing search and rescue operations in Long Beach
11/ 1/2012:
Newspaper Story - Mo. Secretary of State projects 3 percent turnout increase
11/ 1/2012:
Radio Story - Missouri groups respond to Hurricane Sandy disaster
11/ 1/2012:
Radio Story - GOP comeback bus tour kicked off in Jefferson City Thursday
Radio Story - With less than one week until the election, Missouri's candidates for governor spar over failed Mamtek factory.
Radio Story - An MU Athletic Department employee initially tried to dispute $6400 spent at a Las Vegas Strip Club
Radio Story - MU Athletics tightening rules on department credit cards after one staffer's $7,600 strip club escapade last year
Radio Story - FEMA trailer rent could be too high for some Joplin tornado victims
Newspaper Story - Proposition E puts health care back on Missouri ballots
Radio Story - The U.S. Army sets the stage for Suicide Stand-downs
Radio Story - Newly appointed chairman Stephen Danner hopes to protect the jobs and families of National Guardsmen.
Radio Story - Kansas City labor union files first legal challenge over contraception law.
Radio Story - High ranking Republicans join in calls for Saint Louis local control.
9/ 5/2012:
Newspaper Story - An audit criticizes Gov. Jay Nixon for billing other state agencies for travel and employees.
9/ 5/2012:
Radio Story - Governor Nixon is in hot water again after an audit reveals he shifted $1.7 million in office costs.
Radio Story - Telemarketers will not be able to call cell phones on the state's expanded no call list starting Tuesday.
Radio Story - Missouri Attorney General said expanded no call list addresses major consumer complaint
Newspaper Story - While former judges oppose Amendment 3, a Republican Senator says it will help political checks and balances.
Radio Story - The fifth in a five-part series on the debate over residential care for persons with developmental disabilities.
Radio Story - Habilitation centers vs. community living: the fourth in a five-part series on developmental disabilities.
Radio Story - Habilitation centers alternatives: the third in a five-part series on developmental disabilities.
Radio Story - A bill calls for a smooth transition plan to transfer people with disabilities to communities died.
Radio Story - Senate votes to cap historic preservation tax credits - essentially killing the "Mamtek" bill.
5/ 9/2012:
Newspaper Story - Statehouse news summary for May 9, 2012
5/ 8/2012:
Radio Story - Missouri lawmakers pass legislation that would allow a sales tax increase for projects in Kansas City and St. Louis
5/ 8/2012:
Radio Story - Missouri veteran is on a hunger strike until Senate directs funds to veterans' nursing homes
5/ 8/2012:
Newspaper Story - News summary for May 8
Radio Story - House Committee approves a bill that would create a committee to study the future of Missouri Employers Mutual.
Newspaper Story - A two day gridlock over the state's budget ended late Tuesday evening as the Senate passed their plan.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate decided not to cut healthcare benefits for the blind and visually impaired.
Radio Story - The Missouri House endorses new requirements for economic development incentives following Mamtek failure.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate rejected an attempt to eliminate a proposed wage increase for state workers.
Radio Story - Republicans block Senate vote on teacher talking about cranberry bread
Radio Story - Missouri military personnel criticized the state's National Guard in a Senate hearing Wednesday.
Radio Story - State Auditor gives fair report to license offices procedures and contracts.
Newspaper Story - Senate General Laws Committee hears testimony on bill which would modify Missouri's Sunshine Law
Radio Story - The fight between free speech and religion continued at the state Capitol.
Newspaper Story - State Auditor said he would appeal a court's ruling on a ballot issue that would eliminate the state's income tax
Newspaper Story - Former Missouri Governor Roger Wilson indicted by grand jury for his involvent with Missouri Employers Mutual.
Radio Story - Former Governor Roger Wilson indicted by a grand jury for his involvement with Missouri Employers Mutual.
4/ 4/2012:
Newspaper Story - Members of Congress want to protect the future of Missouri's military bases.
4/ 4/2012:
Radio Story - The futures of Fort Leonard Wood and Whiteman AFB at stake over Base Realignment.
4/ 2/2012:
Radio Story - After taking advantage of federal tax exemptions, Missouri Employers Mutual is the subject of House legislation.
Newspaper Story - Hundreds of people representing labor unions and religious groups came to the Capitol to protest.
Newspaper Story - The candidate filing period has officially closed, but a district maps have not been officially finalized.
Radio Story - House district maps still undecided by Supreme Court with one day left until the candidate filing deadline
Radio Story - St. Louis city officials say they want control over firefighter pension fund.
Radio Story - Missouri could move to a closed primary system in 2013, forcing voters to vote according to their affiliation
Newspaper Story - Missouri's auditor released a report giving reccomendations of how to stop state violations of the Sunshine Law.
Radio Story - Auditor Schweich released a report Monday detailing violations of the Sunshine Law over the past two years.
3/ 8/2012:
Radio Story - Dispatch's inaccurate editorial saying women were shut out of contraception floor debate causes stir.
3/ 7/2012:
Radio Story - A Senate bill will restrict Missouri public contracts with companies who invest with energy sections of Iran.
3/ 6/2012:
Radio Story - The House Minority Caucus calls for the Speaker of the House to not go through with plans to induct Limbaugh.
3/ 6/2012:
Radio Story - The House Minority Caucus calls for the Speaker of the House to not go through with plans to induct Limbaugh.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Senate has voted to back off on laws that send parole and probation violators back to prison
Radio Story - FBI is investigating campaign contributions from a Missouri state-funded insurance company.
Radio Story - Two attempts to prevent candidate filing dates to start.... fail.
Radio Story - Bipartisan House leaders are calling for a review of the state's redistricting process
Newspaper Story - Questions about President Obama's citizenship resurfaced during a House Committee hearing.
Radio Story - Two bills that would get rid of the non-partisan elections are heard for the first time.
2/ 8/2012:
Radio Story - Missouri House committee hears bill that requires gross negligence for any lawsuit over inmate suicides.
2/ 6/2012:
Radio Story - More than 90 soldiers returned Fort Leonard Wood from Afghanistan after 12-month deployment.
2/ 6/2012:
Radio Story - A bill that would require all Missouri voters to have a government-issued photo ID is again up for debate.
2/ 6/2012:
Radio Story - Lt. Gov. Kinder's budget proposal questioned due to last year's travel expense reimbursement.
Radio Story - Heightened Security at Missouri Capitol after Gun Stickers Cause Concern
Radio Story - The House higher education committee considered a plan to streamline courses at all public universities.
Radio Story - Senate gives preliminary approval to legislation requiring a vote before Missouri could implement Obamacare.
Radio Story - The House investigation into Mamtek's failed Moberly plant heard testimony from the company's patent lawyer.
Radio Story - Top House leaders react to the budget the Governor released tonight that cut funding for higher education.
1/ 5/2012:
Newspaper Story - The House Budget Chair plans to stop allowing the Governor to spend funds outside the normal budget process
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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