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2001 Business Stories
Newspaper Story - Are the areas of Columbia, Branso, Wentzville and Hermann ready for another name change to their telephone service provider? If an application is approved by the Missouri Public Service Commission, the short life of Verizon in the state of Missouri is due to expire.
Radio Story - Economic conditions look glum for Missouri's future. Chair of appropriations, John Russell, says that he does not think a new stadium in St. Louis or Kansas City is important right now.
12/ 6/2001:
Radio Story - Many commercial insurance companies in the state are mailing out nonrenewal and cancellation notices on policies that cover terrorism effective January first according to Missouri's Department of Insurance.
12/ 5/2001:
Radio Story - A group of members with the Women's Business Enterprise came to the Capitol Wednesday, to discuss their concerns with state officials.
12/ 5/2001:
Newspaper Story - The Senate's Insurance Committee chairman says shrinking competition of health insurance companies is contributing to rising health costs.
12/ 4/2001:
Radio Story - Senator Harry Wiggins, a democrat from Kansas City, is proposing an extra $14 million for Kansas City stadium renovations. Wiggins says Kansas City and St. Louis need to work together or neither city will benefit.
Radio Story - The vice president of Missouri's restaurant association, Pat Bergaur, said restaurants that depend on tourists, conventions and holiday partys have been affected by the slow economy.
Radio Story - The Executive Vice President of the Missouri Association of Realtors said that while home sales have declined in the past year, he is not concerned about MIssouri's housing market.
Radio Story - Joe Driskill, Director of Missouri's Department of Economic Development made it official; Missouri is in a recession.
Radio Story - A spokesman for the Department of Commerce said the economic department's announcement that Missouri is in a recession may be premature.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's economy is the worst it has been in 10 years in terms of sales and employment.
Newspaper Story - As Mid-Missourians brace themselves for the first blast of winter weather, the Missouri Public Commission is seeking accelerated review of a court order stalling efforts to require utility service for Missouri's lower income in areas of western and southern Missouri.
Radio Story - An interim committee is not accepting many changes for legislation to the no call list.
Newspaper Story - Missouri based D.C, Inc, conducting business as Dirt Cheap Cigarettes and Beer, refuses to back down from a law suit filed against the state Friday.
11/ 8/2001:
Newspaper Story - The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers held an open house Wednesday evening to explain and answer questions about its Revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
11/ 7/2001:
Newspaper Story - Everyone who talks about Hugh McVey wants to talk about collective bargaining.
Radio Story - Mike Hartmann, Governor Holden's next Chief of Staff, says he is unsure which departments fall under the union rights executive order.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Holden's executive order comes under Senate special committee heat in hearing Wednesday.
Newspaper Story - The state's utility regulatory agency heard testimony Wednesday that the situation of Missourians without heat service is of "life and health threatening" proportions.
Radio Story - Missouri's Public Services Commission held a hearing to discuss making the cold weather rule broader so more poor Missourians can have heat this winter.
Radio Story - Due to high gas prices last year, the Public Service Commission is considering adding a provision.
Radio Story - Missourians can get onto list that will make it illegal for telemarketers to call them.
10/ 4/2001:
Radio Story - Stock Brokers in Mid-Missouri are keeping a close eye on market activities but are optimistic at a fast recovery.
10/ 4/2001:
Radio Story - High lead levels found during testing in august prompted the Natural Resources Department to issue an oreder to clean up the Doe Run smeltering plant in Herculaneum.
10/ 3/2001:
Newspaper Story - Corrections Officers Fight for Union Break-up
10/ 2/2001:
Radio Story - Jay Nixon says 48 gas retailers from across the state will pay $60,000 in penalties for violating Missouri regulations on price gouging.
10/ 2/2001:
Radio Story - Attorney General Jay Nixon announced penalties for 48 gas stations for price gourging.
10/ 2/2001:
Newspaper Story - Every gas station in Missouri that raised prices above $2.49 a gallon after the terrorist attacks have been punished, Attorney General Jay Nixon accounced Tuesday.
10/ 1/2001:
Newspaper Story - Economic Development heard testimony on how to cut $7.5 million of tax credits due to state budget shortfalls.
Radio Story - The Attorney General's Office says it expects to reveal lawsuits against Missouri gas stations for price inflation next Tuesday.
Newspaper Story - H&R Block was caught up in the state's enforcement of the new law restricting telemarketers.
Newspaper Story - The KOMU policy of not allowing reporters to wear symbols of patriotism on the air is upsetting some Missouri lawmakers.
Radio Story - The FAA lifted its flying restriction on crop-dusters Tuesday, but the temporary grounding may have caused trouble for cotton farmers.
Radio Story - The Missouri State Teachers Association opposes Govenor Holden's executive order on collective bargaining while the Missouri National Education Association supports the govenor.
Radio Story - Branson is not being affected by lack of tourism
Radio Story - Senate President Pro Tem Peter Kinder is just one lawmaker who supports a lawsuit seeking to repeal Governor Holden's executive order allowing collective bargaining by public state employees.
Newspaper Story - Senate President Pro Tem Peter Kinder filed a lawsuit against Gov. Bob Holden Monday to challenge the constitutionality of Holden's union rights executive order.
Radio Story - Regulations on flying
Radio Story - A computer worm, W32.Nimda, did reach many Missouri state agencies and the capital. The Director from the Division of Informational Services says computers are now clear and clean.
Newspaper Story - Democratic No-show in Collective Bargaining Committee Angers GOP
Radio Story - Missouri's tourism business is going to be negatively affected by the last week's terrorist attacks.
Radio Story - No-shows, no answers, and no progress were themes of a Senate committee hearing on collective bargaining.
Newspaper Story - Missouri officials warn the state could suffer an economic backlash due to the American Airlines lay offs.
Radio Story - Missouri's Attorney General Jay Nixon announced he would demand $1,000 in penalties from gas stations that dramatically increased their prices after the terrorist attack.
Radio Story - Expected layoffs in airlines may be a drain on Social Services.
Radio Story - The Boeing Corporation announced it will cut 30,000 jobs, but the employees at Lambert-St. Louis International Airport will not be affected.
Radio Story - The phenomenom of "panic buying" came to rest at the gas pumps in the state this week as there was a mad dash to get the gas, preparing for a possible shortage of the supply in the wake of the terrorist attack in New York and Washington D.C.
Radio Story - High Prices mean long lines, low supply, and "panic buying" mean trouble for consumers and gas retailers in the wake of the terrorist attack in New York and Washington D.C.
Radio Story - Gas Prices soared at some pumps throughout Missouri, but no immediate supply shortage is seen in the near future as America recovers from terrorist acts.
Radio Story - With prices as high as five dollars per gallon in some parts of the state, the Missouri Attorney General launched an investigation.
Missouri might benefit, rather than lose, from the closing of the New York Stock Exchange.
9/ 6/2001:
Radio Story - Julie Gibson, Governor Holden's Chief of Staff, refused to show up at the first hearing of a special Senate Committee investigating the Governor's legality of using executive order for collective bargaining.
9/ 6/2001:
Radio Story - Legislators consider amending current Livestock Pricing and Marketing Law.
9/ 6/2001:
Radio Story - The Senate Health Committee reached a compromise and approved a bill very similar to the recommendations of the prescription drug task force.
9/ 6/2001:
Radio Story - A special senate committee hearing only had Republican attendants.
9/ 5/2001:
Radio Story - A special committee of Missouri's Senate will begin hearings Thursday into the governor's order allowing unions to seek fees from non-union state workers.
9/ 5/2001:
Radio Story - All three of the governor's proposals for the legislature's special session will be heard by committees on the session's second day.
9/ 5/2001:
Newspaper Story - Senate Special Committee investigation of Gov. Bob Holden's union rights order begins Thursday.
9/ 4/2001:
Radio Story - Livestock pricing is concern at special session.
9/ 4/2001:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's agricultural community is split over a proposal before the legislature's special session to repeal a law regulating the sale price of livestock.
Radio Story - Governor Holden established tax cuts of up to $185 million to help balance the Missouri budget.
Radio Story - The state's PSC chairman warns of a potential crisis from utilities shutting off service to the low-income this winter.
Newspaper Story - Business organizations voiced opposition to the governor's suggestion of repealing some tax credits for business.
Radio Story - The Senate's top leader said he was considering seeking subpoenas for the Senate's investigation into the governor's union executive order.
Radio Story - Tax credit elimination may help Gov. Holden to balance the budget, but it also may convince new businesses to look at Missouri as a new home.
Newspaper Story - The House GOP leader says she is considering trying to get before the legislature's special session repeal of the governor's collective bargaining order.
Radio Story - The Missouri Legislature passed a state-wide bill keeping utility companies from charging right-of-way fees to consumers, when digging up city streets.
Radio Story - The Missouri legislature approved a resolution authorizing funding for a new MU arena, but the governor says he's not sure he'll sign it.
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers send the governor authorization for bonds to build an MU arena.
Radio Story - The Senate passed a resolution issuing $35 million in bonds for the construction of a new arena at University of Missouri-Columbia.
Radio Story - Slay visited the capitol and spoke with several lawmakers and the governor, but he did not leave with an agreement to get a Cardinal stadium built.
Newspaper Story - Republicans from St. Louis fought the current Senate restricting map--they want changes within the First and Second Districts. In the House, legislators passed a bill that fines bar owners for serving obviously drunk patrons.
Radio Story - A bill that will allow people to sue bars and restaurants for serving them while intoxicated has sparked debate among lawmakers.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate voted unanimously on a bill capping the fees payday lenders can charge customers.
Radio Story - The two stadium plans have some similarities and many differences.
5/ 9/2001:
Radio Story - St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay visited the Capitol Wednesday.
5/ 9/2001:
Radio Story - State Auditor Claire McCaskill says there needs to be more regulation of car title and payday loans.
5/ 8/2001:
Newspaper Story - All of Boone County would remain in U.S. Rep. Kenny Hulshof's ninth district under a plan given first-round approval Tuesday in the state House.
5/ 3/2001:
Newspaper Story - Missouri would suspend the driver licenses of those convicted of driving away from a gas station without paying.
5/ 2/2001:
Radio Story - Lawmakers, The St. Louis Commerce and Growth Association and cab companies are working on a bill creating a uniform taxi commission between St. Louis City and St. Louis County.
Newspaper Story - Sens. Kinder and Jacob co-sponsored a bill allowing a four-day sales tax exemption on school supplies and clothing.
Radio Story - A Missouri Senate bill would eliminate the sales tax on school supplies and clothing for four days preceding the start of the school year.
Radio Story - Senator Anita Yeckel says that although she supports a measure to permit simulcasted horse-race betting, she says there's probably not enough time to hear the bill this year. Right now, the bill is stuck in a Senate committee because there has not been enough time for opponents to testify.
Radio Story - One day after removing his support this year for a new Cardinals stadium, Governor Bob Holden backed down slightly from his position.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's legislature is moving a bill that would protect bar owners from lawsuits for damages caused by drunken patrons.
Radio Story - Governor Bob Holden has once again refused to take a stance on the issue of a new Cardinals stadium.
Newspaper Story - Governor Bob Holden said he would continue to withhold judgment on the $370 million Cardinals stadium proposal, despite increased bipartisan pressure for a decision from the House and Senate Tuesday.
Radio Story - Rev. Larry Rice and Rep. Jim Murphy voiced their opposition to the stadium plan again, and added criticism of the amendments to the bill.
Newspaper Story - While it is legal to bet on horses in Missouri, the state remains without a racetrack as companies have found it difficult to make money with a limited number of racing days each year.
4/ 4/2001:
Radio Story - Holden's "total" transportation plan was given first-round approval in a vote along near straight party lines.
4/ 4/2001:
Radio Story - Senator Mike Gibbons, chair of the Ways and Means Committee says the St. Louis Cardinals bill is by no means dead.
Radio Story - One state senator is pushing the idea of toll roads coming to St. Louis county.
Radio Story - A current bill in front of the Senate Transportation Committee would deny commercial businesses from taking control of truck stops.
Newspaper Story - A bill sponsored by Rep. Jim Foley, D-St. Louis County, would garner sales tax off stadium tickets to help pay for the Cardinals proposed stadium.
Radio Story - Under a senate proposal, part ticket sales tax funding would provide other economic development for St. Louis.
Radio Story - The Missouri of Department of transportation is not taking a position on Senate bill 565, regarding rest stop contracting, but is currently doing a study in regards to rest stops.
3/ 8/2001:
Newspaper Story - The beef industry is booming in Missouri as legislation whispers within the state capitol are realized throughout state industries.
3/ 8/2001:
Newspaper Story - A House committee approved a proposal to require more time before evictions.
3/ 7/2001:
Radio Story - A bill in the Missouri Senate would revise the Animal Care Facility Act, raising dog licensing fees and changing search procedures of dog breeding facilities.
3/ 7/2001:
Newspaper Story - One hundred people converged on the Capital Wednesday to lobby for animal rights and changes to legislation
3/ 7/2001:
Newspaper Story - With international debate still raging, Missouri lawmakers don't have a clear plan to regulate Internet adoptions, even though the twins in question were born in St. Louis.
3/ 6/2001:
Newspaper Story - There was a rally in the Statehouse Tuesday, backed by the AFL-CIO, to support the House Equal Pay Bill.
3/ 1/2001:
Newspaper Story - Missourians will have a chance to design the state's commemorative quarter as part of a contest announced Thursday by Lori Hauser Holden, wife of Gov. Bob Holden.
3/ 1/2001:
Newspaper Story - Firearm legislation dominated the attention in the state Wednesday as the Senate debates shutting down the St. Louis lawsuit against the firmearms industry.
Newspaper Story - The state attorney general reports that the recent high increases in natural gas rates were not a result of criminal activity.
Radio Story - Mexican truckers have less restrictions to obtain a license.
Radio Story - Gov. Holden says funding for a new stadium hasn't been decided yet.
2/ 5/2000:
Radio Story - Unexpected long distance telephone charges may surprise consumers every month when they get their bill.
2/ 5/2001:
Radio Story - A massive managed care reform bill would allow women to have direct access to obstetricians and gynecologists.
Newspaper Story - Missouri Gov. Bob Holden proposed using a portion of the state's tobacco settlement to fund life sciences research at large public institutions such as MU over 25 years.
Radio Story - The Public Service Commission approved a 29-percent increase for Laclede Gas Company.
Radio Story - The Public Service Commission will decide Thursday on a proposed gas rate hike for eastern Missouri.
Radio Story - The Senate Democratic Floor Leader has threatened to take action to remove PSC members if they pass a rate increase tomorrow without taking a public vote.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's attorney general called for legislators to toughen the restrictions on telemarketers that were passed last year by the legislature.
Newspaper Story - An effort to oust members of the utility regulating commission is launched after approval of a 44% natural gas price increase.
Radio Story - The governor's call for an investigation into natural gas price increases gets a lukewarm response from the state attorney general.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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