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1997 Revenue Stories
12/ 4/1997:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Supreme Court hears oral arguments in two Hancock revenue lid cases that are holding up almost $700 in tax refunds.
12/ 4/1997:
Radio Story - Administration officials warn of deep budget cuts if the State Auditor wins her case before the Missouri Supreme Court.
12/ 2/1997:
Radio Story - Residential property tax credits should somehow affect both property owners and renters.
12/ 2/1997:
Newspaper Story - The seven Supreme Court judges will determine the fate of enough money to hire 7,000 Supreme Court judges.
Radio Story - The state mental health committee met to discuss possibilities in changing private insurance to cover mental health.
Radio Story - If the state Senate Republican leader gets his way, businesses would have a harder time meeting requirements for tax subsidies.
Radio Story - The gambling industry splits over seeking repeal of a legal limit on how much can be lost per day by a Missouri gambler.
11/ 3/1997:
Radio Story - The Federal Highway Administration reports 44% of Missouri bridges are deficient
Radio Story - Powerball lottery changes will double the minimum jackpot to $10 million, but lower your chances of winning.
Radio Story - The Missouri Association of Social Welfare argues the tax refund amendment is unfair to the poor.
Newspaper Story - State officials debate how much the state owes taxpayers in refunds.
10/ 9/1997:
Radio Story - Missouri officials estimate taxpayers could be getting an average of $76 dollars in refunds.
10/ 2/1997:
Radio Story - When the Missouri food tax law went into effect only items covered by food stamps received the cut, but restrictions on where you can get the tax-break also apply.
10/ 2/1997:
Radio Story - Under the new tax cut, you can pay a one percent tax on bloody mary mix and mint snuff
Radio Story - Grocery shoppers expecting to pay no sales tax will get to the register needing a few more nickels and dimes.
Radio Story - Some grocery items are not eligible for the new sales tax cut.
Newspaper Story - House leaders to try again Friday to get House approval of the package of tax breaks for developers.
Radio Story - A debate concerning the legislature's power over administrative rules slowed down progress of the economic development bill.
Radio Story - Black Caucus members get promises in return for support for the economic-development, business tax-break bill.
Radio Story - The House voted down, at least initially, the economic development package of tax cuts for developers.
Newspaper Story - Health coverage requirement stripped from the legislature's tax-break, economic development bill.
Radio Story - A top Missouri business organization is opposing a health insurance requirement the House stuck onto an economic development bill.
9/ 9/1997:
Radio Story - The economic development bill considered in the senate creates a St. Louis sports commission.
9/ 9/1997:
Radio Story - The economic bill before Missouri's Senate includes tax credits to help fix historic structures.
Newspaper Story - Legislative session ends passing a tax cut but failing on a number of other major issues.
Radio Story - In the final hours of this session, Missouri legislators unanimously approved a three cent grocery sales tax cut.
Radio Story - The Senate after three hours of debate passes the bill that would chut the sales tax on food to three cents.
Newspaper Story - A deadlock on tax breaks for private and parochial school costs has stalled legislative action on the governor's proposal to cut the sales tax on groceries.
Radio Story - Three of the year's major issues - tax cuts, child support enforcement and welfare reform - are still before legislators hours away from the end of the session.
Newspaper Story - Rep. May Scheve adds the final signature to a tax bill without breaks for education.
Radio Story - If Missouri's legislators fail to enact federally mandated child support enforcement rules Friday, it could cost the state millions of dollars.
Newspaper Story - No agreement was rached on the State's tax bill after the conference committee adjourned moments after the Speaker of the House was accused of bigotry.
Radio Story - The tax-cut conference committee breaks up without agreement after the House speaker is accused of bigotry.
Newspaper Story - House-Senate conferees stall the tax cut package for parochial schools.
5/ 9/1997:
Radio Story - State lawmakers failed to pass the budget, even after pushing the 6PM deadline by nearly two hours.
5/ 8/1997:
Radio Story - State lawmakers get caught up in abortion debate with less than 10 hours left to pass the budget.
5/ 8/1997:
Radio Story - State lawmakers voted to use tax payer money to build car inspection stations in St.Louis.
5/ 7/1997:
Newspaper Story - Opposition to auto-exhaust inspections in the St. Louis area stalls the House on the budget.
5/ 6/1997:
Radio Story - The House approved a measure to increase fees paid to get a driver's license.
5/ 6/1997:
Radio Story - The House again rejects funding for state-run auto-exhaust inspection stations in the St. Louis area.
5/ 1/1997:
Radio Story - The Senate votes to give tax breaks for parents sending their children to private schools.
5/ 1/1997:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Senate passed its version of a tax reduction plan--money for students to attend private/church schools.
Radio Story - The Senate continues to stall on a bill that would reduce the sales tax Missourians pay on groceries.
Newspaper Story - House Budget Committee approves two new prisons after lobbying by the governor.
Radio Story - Missouri lawmakers and education lobbyists reached a compromise. A bill that would build two new maximum security prisons and give money to University of Missouri systems for renovations passed in the House Budget committee.
Newspaper Story - Background on why Missouri does not have horse race tracks more than 10 years after voters approved horse-race bettings.
Radio Story - The House-Senate budget conference committee agrees to continue funding for the St. Louis auto exhaust inspection program.
Newspaper Story - A House and Senate conference committee approved an additional $1.4 million for the U.M. system
Radio Story - Senate delays action another day on school-desegregation legislation.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Mel Carnahan and legislators split on whether to build one or two new prisons. The U.M. system wants some building money also.
Radio Story - Senate votes to require voter approval to spend public funds on any sports stadium project in the St. Louis area.
Newspaper Story - The governor's plan to reduce the general sales tax on food picks up two additional tax cut proposals.
Radio Story - The House approved an amendment that would provide more safe places for battered women in Missouri.
Radio Story - The House threw out a provision that would have set up a sales tax to fund indigent health care in St Louis.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate voted, Thursday, to let you use or purchase a slot machine... as long as it's not for gambling.
4/ 8/1997:
Radio Story - A Louisians resident urged Missouri lawmakers to keep money from the gambling industry out of campaigns and elections.
Newspaper Story - An amendment aimed at keeping state funds from abortion providers was passed in the House.
Newspaper Story - The possibility of repealing the gambling loss limit fades.
Radio Story - The House votes to give funds to stores that ran into problems with the state's new electronic deer hunting permits.
3/ 4/1997:
Radio Story - Lawmakers heard plea from father of dead daughter for a tax cut on coffins.
3/ 3/1997:
Newspaper Story - Senate President Pro Tem says he may not have the votes to eliminate gaming spending limits.
3/ 3/1997:
Radio Story - Bill sponsor predicts removing the daily loss limit for gambling boats is dead.
Newspaper Story - Lawsuits continue to hold up tax refunds to Missourians.
Radio Story - A Senate bill would punish under age riverboat casino gamblers.
Radio Story - The House rejects a proposal to let St. Louis area residents have another vote on the region's transportation tax.
Newspaper Story - The House Ways and Means committee heard extensive testimony on a bill to open up gambling in Missouri.
Radio Story - Casino industry urges lawmakers to repeal limits on how much a gambler can lose per day.
Radio Story - The house voted 144 to 0 to pass the 3% sales tax cut on groceries.
Newspaper Story - The House sends the grocery tax cut to the Senate.
Newspaper Story - The House majority leader eases her proposal to give lawmakers more power over MU's budget.
Newspaper Story - Salvage yard owner protests condemnation powers being used for a riverboat gambling project.
Radio Story - House Higher Education Committee voted to begin debate on governor's scholarship program.
Radio Story - House passes the governor's proposed sales tax cut on groceries.
Radio Story - House committee approved a three percent cut in sales tax on groceries.
Newspaper Story - Former U.S. Senator urges state to continue funding ordered by courts under desegregation.
Newspaper Story - The governor's tax cut on goceries is approved by the House Ways & Means Committee.
2/ 4/1997:
Radio Story - Opposition emerges to the governor's plan to cut taxes on groceries.
2/ 3/1997:
Radio Story - Bill would ban credit card machines on gambling boats.
2/ 3/1997:
Newspaper Story - Lawmaker urges ban on credit-card loans on gambling boats.
Newspaper Story - A bi-partisan House majority announced its support for the tax cut on groceries.
Radio Story - Bi-partisan support announced for governor's tax cut on groceries.
Radio Story - Legislative committee hears bill to give business tax breaks for day care services.
Newspaper Story - MU would get the smallest budget boost of any university under the governor's plan.
1/ 8/1997:
Radio Story - Senate's leader says tax cuts will be one of the top issues for the 1997 legislative session.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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