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2003 Politics Stories
Radio Story - State Auditor Claire McCaskill is behind the refusal of several state agencies to turn over personell files.
Newspaper Story - Catherine Hanaway, R-St. Louis County, announced Tuesday her intention to run for Secretary of State against Democratic candidate Robin Carnahan.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Democratic Party has initiated Women's Coalitions across the state to spark and sustain political enthusiasm in female voters.
Newspaper Story - Catherine Hanaway, R-St. Louis County, will announce on Tuesday her intention to run for Secretary of State in the 2004 election.
Newspaper Story - A prefiled bill for the 2004 legislative session has proposed a stamp tax on illegal drugs bought and sold in the state of Missouri.
12/ 8/2003:
Radio Story - The Missouri Dept. of Revenue reports that state tax revenues have increased nearly six percent compared to last year. However, State Budget Director Linda Luebbering says it is unlikely more withholdings will be released.
12/ 8/2003:
Newspaper Story - A mock-vote to give gays and lesbians the right to a civil union in Missouri was overwhelmingly passed by high school students acting as senators and house representatives.
12/ 4/2003:
Radio Story - Representative Matt Bartle drafted a bill placing MoDOT under the direction of the governor.
12/ 3/2003:
Newspaper Story - For school districts seeking to get state money withheld from education, it's now a waiting game.
12/ 1/2003:
Radio Story - Henry Hungerbeeler announced his resignation from his position
12/ 1/2003:
Newspaper Story - Prefiling for Missouri's legislatures 2004 session began on Monday. Issues range from gambling to tuition cost, from veils to cloning.
Newspaper Story - The Feb. 3 primary race will be the third in Missouri history.
Radio Story - MODOT will ask for toll road authority. Also, a bill passed by a committee chaired by Sen. Kit Bond would raise more than one billion dollars for MODOT if it passes through Congress.
Newspaper Story - A petition posted by republicans on the state house of representatives website raised Democrats' concerns on Monday. The petition calls on people across Missouri to support the release of $197 million in withholdings to K-12 education.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Holden accused House Republicans for skewing budget figures when they started a petition for Holden to release more money to education due to revenue increases.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Democratic Party has developed an online weblog that allows Missourians to discuss political issues facing both the nation and state.
Radio Story - The state attorney general's office announced Wed. it is investigating phantom businesses created to abuse a state tax credit program.
11/ 5/2003:
Newspaper Story - Columbia's legislators plan to prefile bills concerning issues such as gay rights, rock climbing walls, and toll roads.
11/ 5/2003:
Newspaper Story - Every morning, students across Missouri stand with their hands over their hearts to recite the pledge of allegiance. However, the future of a Missouri law mandating the pledge in schools lies in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court, who announced its plans to review next year a court decision in California that found the pledge unconstitutional.
11/ 4/2003:
Radio Story - After more than eight months of study, an independent expert panel submitted its recommendations to MoDOT for how the department can cure its ills.
11/ 4/2003:
Radio Story - Gov. Bob Holden appointed Steve Gaw as the chairman of the Public Service Commission Monday
Radio Story - Missouri has the third worst road conditions and this has ruined MoDOT's credibility
Radio Story - Candidates add to the public's diminished confidence in MoDOT
Radio Story - Lawmakers say the death of St. Louis County Administrator Buzz Westfall is a loss for Missouri.
Radio Story - Almost two-thirds of Missouri voters are still using punch card ballots, despite federal laws that require upgrades.
Radio Story - Roger Wilson has endorsed Claire McCaskill for the democratic gubernatorial nomination
Newspaper Story - Claire McCaskill announced her candidacy in primary race with hopes to unseat Gov. Bob Holden
Radio Story - Claire McCaskill is running for governor against Holden in next year's primaries. Representative Marsha Campbell is pleased, saying it's about time for a female governor. Senator Harry Kennedy disagrees with McCaskill's decision, saying that it's bad timing.
Newspaper Story - Claire McCaskill will announce Monday her intention to run against Gov. Bob Holden for the democratic gubernatorial nomination
Radio Story - Claire McCaskill will announce whether she is running for governor Monday.
Newspaper Story - Matt Blunt delivered a message to the Mo. Chamber of Commerce framing what looks like will be his gubernatorial campaign platform.
Radio Story - Secretary of State Matt Blunt previewed unofficial gubernatorial campaign issues such as transportation problems, job loss and public education funding.
Radio Story - Blunt talked about big campaign issues such as job losses, public education and medical malpractice.
Radio Story - Claire McCaskill is expected to announce her decision whether to run for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination.
Radio Story - The latest candidate is the fourth Republican to enter the race, and he promises to create jobs by investing the state's assets in Missouri.
Radio Story - Sen. Bill Foster is not running for re-election. Leaving Sen. Charles Shields as the only remaining republican senator who voted for tax increases to help fund education.
Radio Story - State officials wonder if plaintiffs filed suit in St. Louis due to weak arguments and judge shopping.
Radio Story - Some state officials wonder if the plaintiffs filed suit out of Cole County because of judge shopping.
10/ 7/2003:
Radio Story - The state of Missouri does not have a state law that allows a governor recall election. Currently, in order to remove a governor, lawmakers would have to go through the impeachment process.
10/ 7/2003:
Radio Story - MoDOT is delaying the release of a report that faults the department's leadership.
10/ 3/2003:
Radio Story - The Missouri Department of Revenue released a report saying that general revenue collection for the first quarter has increased about eight percent from last year
10/ 3/2003:
Radio Story - A new California law allowing illegal aliens to get a driver's license may mean Missouri may grant licenses to them, too.
10/ 2/2003:
Radio Story - Senator Peter Kinder released a statement saying the governor twisted his views on education.
10/ 2/2003:
Radio Story - Senator Peter Kinder released a statement saying the governor twisted his views on education.
10/ 1/2003:
Radio Story - Mark Abel says with only one term left it's time to consider his political future.
Radio Story - St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch is endorsing Claire McCaskill for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination.
Newspaper Story - A loophole in Missouri's anti-telemarketing has allowed charities to make telemarketing calls to homes on the No Call list. A federal judge ruled Thursday that a national bill with this same provision was unconstitutional. Missouri legislators are standing behind the law.
Newspaper Story - Missouri general revenue collections are up 6.1 percent in July and August over the same period last year. Officials say this is does not mark the end of state budget woes.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Department of Revenue has announced general revenue in July and August is 6.1 percent greater than the same period last year. However, several government officials have warned this is not the resolution to state budget woes.
Newspaper Story - Talks between doctors and lawyers ended Friday after three weeks of negotiating legislature that would cap rising malpractice insurance rates
Radio Story - Party officials name the president's unclue Bucky Bush as campaign chairman.
Newspaper Story - Statehouse bathrooms are being renovated for $3 million during budget crisis
Radio Story - Republicans are being coy toward whether Sen. Jon Dolan will be arriving for Thursday's session.
Newspaper Story - While the Missouri State Senate waits for Dolan to return for Cuba, the House voted to override Holden's vetoes on abortion and concealed weapons.
9/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - GOP leaders say they'll try to force through a bill putting new limits on every type of civil suit.
9/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - At least one democratic lawmaker threatens to use filibuster any vote to overide Gov. Bob Holden's veto of a bill that requires waiting period for abortion.
9/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - Republican leaders are hoping to overturn as many as seven of Gov. Holden's vetos.
9/ 8/2003:
Radio Story - As the special session gets underway, lawmakers consider raising taxes on business to boost funding for elementary and secondary education.
9/ 8/2003:
Radio Story - Several Democrats are expected to break with party lines when they again support a bill that Gov. Bob Holden vetoed.
9/ 5/2003:
Newspaper Story - An info-box of the 26 non-budget bills the governor vetoed that will be before the Sept. 10 veto session of the legislature.
9/ 3/2003:
Newspaper Story - Missouri Senate President Pro Tem Peter Kinder alleged that Democratic candidates Bekki Cook and Ken Jacob had higher aspirations behind their run for Lieutenant Governor.
Radio Story - Missouri's lieutenant governor says his wife's illness prevents him from continuing his campaign for re-election.
7/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - Vetoed bills include a 24-hour waiting period for abortions and a limit on medical malpractice lawsuit awards.
6/ 5/2003:
Radio Story - Democratic governor Bob Holden, House Speaker Catherine Hanaway and Senate President Pro Tem Peter Kinder reiterated their position on the budget in speeches to the House.
Newspaper Story - Columbia lawmakers, all of whom are Democrats, found themselves playing new roles in this year's Republican controlled legislature.
Newspaper Story - what the legislature passed
Radio Story - Missouri lawmakers end their session but they're not sure it's the end of their work.
Newspaper Story - The high degree of political fighting was a surprise for many of the state House's 90 freshman legislators this session.
Radio Story - It was the first session for ninety lawmakers in the House of Representatives.
Newspaper Story - End of session wrap up
Newspaper Story - This legislative session featured squabbling, wrangling and name calling -- and that's just among Senate Democrats. Tension between liberal and moderate Democrats erupted this session with party members arguing on the Senate floor over guns and abortion. The infighting culminated Friday with veteran lawmaker Sen. Harold Caskey, D-Butler, publicly quitting his chairmanship of the Democratic caucus.
Newspaper Story - Fiscal vs. Social conservative agendas at end of session
Newspaper Story - Governor signs major legislation behind closed doors.
Newspaper Story - Preview of the last day of legislative session and wrap up of Thursday's activity.
Radio Story - As part of the lobbying effort, elderly citizens are calling freshmen republicans in the House, urging them to put a tax package before voters.
Newspaper Story - With three days left in the session, the Republican leaders said they were disapointed that the governor has not indicated whether he will call a special session.
Radio Story - During a meeting with Republican legislative leaders, the governor did not specify whether or not he'll call lawmakers into a special session.
Newspaper Story - The bill that would bring Missouri law into compliance with new federal voting requirements was sent to the governor Monday.
5/ 9/2003:
Newspaper Story - Republicans say safety net intact, despite cuts to Medicaid, disabled
5/ 9/2003:
Newspaper Story - Legislation pushed by Missouri businesses is on the Republican leadership's agenda as the legislature heads into its last week. Lawmakers return Monday for a five-day marathon, which ends with the close of the session at 6 p.m. Friday.
5/ 8/2003:
Newspaper Story - A conference held Wednesday to discuss the state budget consisted only of white males. Sen. Mary Bland, D-Jackson County, and others said this was done intentionally.
5/ 8/2003:
Newspaper Story - The recent Iraqi war in a Muslim country had special meaning for one member of Missouri's legislature, Yaphett El-Amin. She is the first female Muslim legislator in Missouri.
5/ 8/2003:
Radio Story - The African-American members of the senate have leveled charges of discrimination against Senate Republican leaders.
5/ 8/2003:
Radio Story - Bland accuses the Senate Republican leadership of discrimination when choosing members of the Appropriations Conference Committee.
5/ 6/2003:
Newspaper Story - Tornado causes Capitol evacuation.
5/ 5/2003:
Newspaper Story - The UM would lose share of the state's funding for higher education, while four colleges in Republican districts would gain under Senate budget plan
Newspaper Story - Senate approves cuts to colleges, prisons, mental health care, and social services, despite Holden veto threat
Radio Story - Missouri's House Speaker Pro Tem promises to investigate an MU professor who offered course credit for protesting.
Newspaper Story - Senate approves education portion of budget
Newspaper Story - Profile of Gov. Holden's top aides -- all women
Newspaper Story - The Missouri legislature's Republican leadership delivered a personal message to Gov. Bob Holden that lawmakers would not accept his tax-increase package.
Radio Story - St. Louis City Representative Russ Carnahan is quitting his post as House Democratic Caucus Chair to focus on a Congressional run.
Newspaper Story - Legislators ate MRE's for lunch, so they could experience a small part of what it is to be a servicemember.
4/ 9/2003:
Newspaper Story - Mandatory prison sentences would be reduced as part of a comprehensive sentencing reform bill approved by the Missouri Senate
4/ 3/2003:
Newspaper Story - Funerals and retirement parties are just a few of the places state officials have flown on the taxpayers' dime, according to State Auditor Clare McCaskill. In a report released Thursday, McCaskill details her department's year-long audit of state passenger plane use from 1999-2001.
4/ 1/2003:
Radio Story - Bars and truck stops machines would generate revenue for higher ed
4/ 1/2003:
Radio Story - Sen. Dolan's transportation oversight bill didn't end up with many of his major initiatives--but Dolan says it's still a step in the right direction.
4/ 1/2003:
Newspaper Story - Sen. Jon Dolan used to be CIA. Now he is the most outspoken legislator in General Assembly.
Newspaper Story - Senate committee set to pass two-part budget
Newspaper Story - Comparison of the fiscally and socially conservative agenda advancements
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers who are reservists in the Armed Forces said they will not hesitate to postpone their duties at the Capitol if called to active duty in support of a war with Iraq.
Newspaper Story - House gives first approval to budget
Newspaper Story - Midsession checkup on Columbia legislators
Newspaper Story - Columbia legislators' priorities box
Radio Story - Democrats say they were misled
Newspaper Story - The House leadership's budget plan would give up the "power of the purse" in exchange for overall spending cuts
Newspaper Story - After first round of cutting, Republican budget alternative still $372 million from balanced
3/ 5/2003:
Newspaper Story - On a straight party-line vote, the Joint Committee on Legislative Research approved an investigation into whether there has been efforts to gag administration officials about the state's budget.
3/ 4/2003:
Radio Story - Representative Tom Villa sponsored a courtesy resolution last December that adds to the historical debate between Greeks and Macedonians
3/ 4/2003:
Newspaper Story - Republican leaders called for an inverstigation of an alleged DNR gag order by the Joint Committee on Legislative Research.
3/ 3/2003:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's budget is to tight, the crumbling State Penitentiary may have to stay open another year
3/ 3/2003:
Newspaper Story - Gov. Bob Holden Wednesday sidestepped Republican leaders' call for a directive authorizing state employees to speak openly with lawmakers about budget cut ideas.
Newspaper Story - Columbia's representatives had little to say in response to a report that Sen. Ken Jacob, D-Columbia, pushed legislation for personal reasons. Jacob's recent provision, added onto a Senate bill, would place restrictions on water service shutoffs. His amendment came after his own water service was shut off for nonpayment.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's House Speaker said she is considering subpoening administration officials to investigate possible threats to fire state department employees for discussing budget ideas with legislators.
Radio Story - The Senate gives initial clearance to a bill that would prohibit state and local government from suing gun manufacturers.
Newspaper Story - Missouri would get $76 million in federal funds to help bring the stae into compliance with federal requirements.
Radio Story - Newly elected governors may have to disclose who pays for thier inauguarl celebrations under a bill the house gave primary approval to.
Newspaper Story - In what amounts to a political alumni association, several state House members have formed the University of Missouri Caucus.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Senate agreed to go along with a House plan limiting the amount of borrowed money the governor could use this fiscal year at $150 million
Newspaper Story - A veteran senator is looking for a way to education freshman legislators faster.
Newspaper Story - New House budget chairman seeks fiscal reform
Newspaper Story - In a party line vote, the House approves less than half the governor's request for tobacco money
2/ 4/2003:
Newspaper Story - MU is feeling the pinch of a too-tight budget that may leave a permanent mark on the school. UM President Elson Floyd voiced concerns about a loss of competitive edge that will negatively affect MU long after the end of the fiscal year.
Newspaper Story - Democrats accuse Republicans of failing to support the governor's budget resolution plan, or to propose a viable alternative of their own.
Newspaper Story - Profiles on the Missouri legislature's top leaders
Radio Story - Supreme Court Judge Ronnie White will become Missouri's first black Chief Justice.
Newspaper Story - In a nearly unanimous vote, Missouri lawmakers rejected a proposal to raise salary caps for themselves and other state elected officials Thursday. But the vote was largely symbolic. Even if the proposal had passed, funding for higher caps would have required a separate bill.
Newspaper Story - Profile of new leadership of the Missouri General Assembly
Newspaper Story - The Missouri judge rejected by the U.S. Senate for a federal appeals court seat will be Missouri's first black state supreme court chief justice.
Radio Story - The Missouri Municipal League is trying to help cities ban hidden guns in buildings like city hall through a model ordinance.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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