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Aidian Holder
Aidian Holder
Stories by
Aidian Holder
4/ 5/2005:
Radio Story - Gas prices are closing in on record highs everywhere.
3/ 1/2005:
Radio Story - Sponsor touts bill in respons to ChoicePoint scandal
Radio Story - Sierra Club has praise, if faint, for new DNR chief
Stories by
Aidian Holder
Radio Story - Former NM DOT director to take over MoDOT
Radio Story - Former NM DOT director to take over MoDOT
Radio Story - Former NM DOT director to take over MoDOT
Radio Story - Former NM DOT director to take over MoDOT
5/ 5/2004:
Radio Story - Higher education budget to bring $20 million more to state's colleges and universities.
Radio Story - The plan would give tax credits to donors to a scholarship plan that lets poor kids attend private schools.
2/ 9/2004:
Radio Story - Special interim committee to propose plans for implementing early voting law.
Radio Story - The GOP is trying to overturn Gov. Holden's order requiring all state workers covered by collective barganing agreements to pay union service fees.
Radio Story - Longer feature on legislation to lower testing standards for Missouri schools under the No Child Left Behind law.
Radio Story - Republican lawmakers filed legislation to lower school MAP testing standards to avoid possible loss of federal funds from the No Child Left Behind law.
Radio Story - The Joint Committee on Tax Policy says improved oversight and reporting will help find out which programs work and which don't
Radio Story - School buses in Missouri don't have to have seat belts because mandating them would require major redesigns and overhauls to the buses
Stories by
Aidian Holder
Radio Story - State Auditor Clair McCaskil is behind the refusal of several state agencies to turn over personell files.
Radio Story - Former Public Service Commission chairman Kelvin Simmons will take over Missouri's Department of Economic Development after long-time director Joe Driskill resigned amid investigations into fraud in a tax credit program overseen by the department.
12/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - The state is denying the unemployment claims of more than 6,000 workers involved in October's strike and lockouts.
12/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - The Missouri Supreme Court today unanimously dismissied a lawsuit challenging the power of the governor to withhold money from the education budget.
12/ 2/2003:
Radio Story - Henry Hungerbeeler, the much maligned Director of MoDOT, says he'll step down following a scathing report faulted MoDOT's management for the departments lack of credibility with the public.
12/ 2/2003:
Radio Story - Henry Hungerbeeler, the much maligned Director of MoDOT, says he'll step down following a scathing report faulted MoDOT's management for the departments lack of credibility with the public.
12/ 2/2003:
Radio Story - Henry Hungerbeeler, the much maligned Director of MoDOT, says he'll step down following a scathing report faulted MoDOT's management for the departments lack of credibility with the public.
Radio Story - State Senator Jim Mathewson, D-Sedalia, has announced a plan to give the state power to regulate medical malpractice insurance rates.
Radio Story - State Senator Jim Mathewson, D-Sedalia, has announced a plan to give the state power to regulate medical malpractice insurance rates.
Radio Story - Missouri is one of five states that aren't spending any of the money they recieve from tobacco companies on smoking prevention programs.
Radio Story - Missouri is one of five states that aren't spending any of the money they recieve from tobacco companies on smoking prevention programs.
11/ 6/2003:
Radio Story - A newly marketed device promises to allow drivers to change traffic lights from red to green, just like emergency vehicles do when responding to a call.
11/ 4/2003:
Radio Story - After more than eight months of study, an independent expert panel submitted its recommendations to MoDOT for how the department can cure its ills.
Radio Story - The independent blue ribbon panel says the state doesn't have the money to pay for needed improvments any other way.
Radio Story - The independent blue ribbon panel says the state doesn't have the money to pay for needed improvments any other way.
Radio Story - The independent blue ribbon panel says the state doesn't have the money to pay for needed improvments any other way.
Radio Story - The Public Service Commission is seeking public comment on a proposal by AmerenUE to raise rates by more than $26 million.
Radio Story - The Public Service Commission is seeking public comment on a proposal by AmerenUE to raise rates by more than $26 million.
Radio Story - Almost two-thirds of Missouri voters are still using punch card ballots, despite federal laws that require upgrades.
Radio Story - Almost two-thirds of Missouri voters are still using punch card ballots, despite federal laws that require upgrades.
Radio Story - The latest candidate is the fourth Republican to enter the race, and he promises to create jobs by investing the state's assets in Missouri.
Radio Story - The latest candidate is the fourth Republican to enter the race, and he promises to create jobs by investing the state's assets in Missouri.
Radio Story - The latest candidate is the fourth Republican to enter the race, and he promises to create jobs by investing the state's assets in Missouri.
10/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - As of Saturday, anyone over the age of 21 with a legal handgun can carry it -- fully loaded -- inside their car.
10/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - As of Saturday, anyone over the age of 21 with a legal handgun can carry it -- fully loaded -- inside their car.
10/ 7/2003:
Radio Story - MoDOT is delaying the release of a report that faults the department's leadership.
10/ 7/2003:
Radio Story - MoDOT is delaying the release of a report that faults the department's leadership.
10/ 7/2003:
Radio Story - MoDOT is delaying the release of a report that faults the department's leadership.
Radio Story - Missouri law says that most trucks can't weigh more than 80,000 pounds, but State Auditor Claire McCaskill says the Highway Patrol is lax in enforcing the rule.
Radio Story - Latest school funding lawsuit aims to challenge school funding on Constitutional 'adequacy' grounds
Radio Story - Illinois and California are trying to import drugs from Canada for state employees and Medicade recipients
Radio Story - A Kansas City court says the new state agency charged with collecting child support doesn't have the legal authority to file new child support cases.
Radio Story - Doctors lobbying the Senate couldn't get lawmakers to override Holden's veto of the malpractice reform bill.
Radio Story - Holden's plan to increase funding for education defeated in Senate committee
Radio Story - The GOP controlled Senate killed the governor's plan for increasing revenue to fund education.
Radio Story - The new concealed weapons law allows anyone over 21 to carry a loaded gun in a car, forcing police to treat every traffic stop as if it's an encounter with an armed driver.
Radio Story - The new concealed weapons law allows anyone over 21 to carry a loaded gun in a car, forcing police to treat every traffic stop as if it's an encounter with an armed driver.
Radio Story - The new concealed weapons law allows anyone over 21 to carry a loaded gun in a car, forcing police to treat every traffic stop as if it's an encounter with an armed driver.
9/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - GOP leaders say they'll try to force through a bill putting new limits on every type of civil suit.
9/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - At least one democratic lawmaker threatens to use filibuster any vote to overide Gov. Bob Holden's veto of a bill that requires waiting period for abortion.
9/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - Republican leaders are hoping to overturn as many as seven of Gov. Holden's vetos.
9/ 2/2003:
Radio Story - Half of school districts aren't meeting their targets for improving students' test scores.
Radio Story - A new Missouri law takes effect giving computer users a new tool to fight spam.
Radio Story - Missouri's lieutenant governor says his wife's illness prevents him from continuing his campaign for re-election.
Radio Story - A new California law giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants won't undermine Missouri licenses standards, but it does have implications for anti-crime, anti-terror, and immigration control efforts.
Radio Story - A new California law giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants won't undermine Missouri licenses standards, but it does have implications for anti-crime, anti-terror, and immigration control efforts.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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