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2009 Environment Stories
Newspaper Story - Gov. Jay Nixon proposed reforms Tuesday to address the state's water quality shortcomings.
Radio Story - The state's landscaping crew was cutting the Capitol lawn Thursday, just a week before Christmas, although the state's facilities director says it's money well-spent.
Radio Story - The Federal Government awarded Missouri $1.2 million to prepare for green jobs; which the Department of Economic Development says is indicative of Missouri's economy beginning to recover.
Radio Story - St. Louis air quality did not meet EPA requirements in 2008
Newspaper Story - In one of his first public appearances since being suspended, Natural Resources Director Mark Templeton testified before the Joint Committee on Missouri's Energy Future.
11/ 6/2009:
Radio Story - The Natural Resources Department could learn valuable lessons from other Missouri lakes in keeping the Lake of the Ozarks clean
11/ 6/2009:
Newspaper Story - Solving problems with septic systems at the Lake of the Ozarks will not be simple.
11/ 5/2009:
Radio Story - The Missouri Department of Natural Resources points to animals as the cause of E. coli contamination but septic tanks are also a culprit.
11/ 5/2009:
Newspaper Story - Links to the week-long series on the history and causes of Ecoli pollution in Missouri
11/ 5/2009:
Radio Story - Jefferson City residents have mixed reviews of the city's new trash program.
11/ 2/2009:
Radio Story - How E. coli really affects you if you come in contact with it
11/ 2/2009:
Newspaper Story - AmerenUE warns of $200 household annual utility rate increases under proposed cap-and-trade legislation.
Newspaper Story - Septic systems are failing at the Lake of the Ozarks, where sewage is draining into the water.
Radio Story - Mid-Missouri berry farmers don't mind the rain.
Newspaper Story - Energy industry officials express fear about proposed cap-and-trade legislation
Newspaper Story - Landfill gas-turned-electricity will help heat homes in Columbia.
Radio Story - At an event to celebrate a renewable energy project near Jefferson City on Monday, Gov. Nixon did little talking about renewable energy.
Newspaper Story - Mark Templeton will be reinstated as DNR director next week, Gov. Jay Nixon announced Friday.
Radio Story - Governor Nixon is taking responsibility for miscommunication between his office and the
Newspaper Story - A combination of factors allows sewage to continue flowing from septic tanks into the Lake of the Ozarks.
Newspaper Story - A tangled web of bureaucracy keeps septic tanks flowing into the Lake of the Ozarks.
Radio Story - Senator Brad Lager, leader of the investigation of E. coli at the Lake of the Ozarks, said he is sure there is a coverup underway.
Newspaper Story - A DNR spokesman said the department's investigation into false E. coli information will conclude Friday
Radio Story - The cool temperatures are making the leaves turn color earlier this year.
10/ 1/2009:
Radio Story - Lt. Governor Kinder's office says there is a possible cover up within the Department of Natural Resources.
10/ 1/2009:
Radio Story - In response to ongoing controversy surrounding E. coli levels at the Lake of the Ozarks, officials say there was a cover up within the Department of Natural Resources
Newspaper Story - Gov. Jay Nixon has suspended the Department of Natural Resources director and has ordered an investigation into the department.
Radio Story - In a news conference Wednesday, Gov. Jay Nixon blamed the Department of Natural Resources for not closing Ozark beaches, thus endangering Missourians.
Radio Story - Governor Jay Nixon details plan with Department of Natural Resources on how they will clean up the Lake of the Ozarks.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Jay Nixon announced Wednesday plans to clean up the Lake of the Ozarks.
Newspaper Story - A humorous look into the mouse traps surrounding the Capitol entrances
Newspaper Story - Wrap up of Tuesday of legislative session
5/ 4/2009:
Radio Story - The Missouri House revived a bill Monday with a budget of over $350 million...with some major chunks going to St. Louis.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate laid aside a bill that one Senator says could allow public officials get away with murder.
Newspaper Story - AmerenUE urged legislators to withdraw legislation that would allow the company to raise rates in order to build nuclear power plant
Radio Story - AmerenUE's announcement that it won't build a Callaway 2 nuclear power plant met with disappointment
Newspaper Story - Supporters say Lost Creek Wind Farm would bring jobs, energy independence to Mo.
4/ 8/2009:
Newspaper Story - House committee passes bill to use federal stimulus money for fiscal year 2009
Radio Story - As the Senate Commerce Committee moved forward on a bill that could allow for a second nuclear plant in Missouri, a firestorm erupts over the public relations efforts of some of the bill's opponents.
Radio Story - Gov. Nixon named eighteen members to his new Automotive Jobs Task Force, which is now in charge of keeping Missouri's automotive industry alive.
Newspaper Story - A feature on a raw milk bill.
Newspaper Story - House committee passes fiscal year 2010 budget bills
Newspaper Story - Hearing held today for bill introduced by Columbia's state senator which would limit the damages an individual could receive for injury or death incurred by improperly stored carbon dioxide.
Radio Story - An issue sparked by the City Utilities of Springfield, MO lead to a discussion by the state's Senators of the possibility of pumping carbon dioxide into the ground, some witnesses saying it could kill many people.
Radio Story - A proposal to cap liability for carbon sequestration projects in Missouri raised concerns that it could lead to unsafe methods in this new clean coal technology.
3/ 9/2009:
Radio Story - It's a strange word for a strange practice but members of Noodler's Anonymous say they want to see their sport legalized.
3/ 5/2009:
Radio Story - Manufacturers would be required to recycle their TVs with a bill that would take effect in 2012.
3/ 3/2009:
Radio Story - Despite the Governor's wishes, AmerenUE is one step closer to increasing its rates to pay for a second Mid-Missouri powerplant.
Radio Story - As the General Assembly mulls over bills to permit AmerenUE to increase its rates to finance a second nuclear power plant, questions continue over the company's plans.
Radio Story - The practice of 'noodling' captured the attention of legislators today.
Radio Story - Legislators are discussing a bill that would making driving across the river to St. Louis a little easier.
Radio Story - State Treasurer Clint Zweifel offers his plan to give small businesses around the state easier access to low interest loans.
Radio Story - AmerenUE came under attack of critics during a House Utilities Commission hearing.
Radio Story - As the Senate Agriculture Committee approved a requirement that truckers pump biodiesel into their tanks, other legislators want a measure repealed.
Radio Story - AmerenUE threatened that if a current law prohibiting the company from passing finance costs to ratepayers isn't changed, then it can't build a second nuclear power plant in Missouri.
2/ 3/2009:
Newspaper Story - Consumer advocates outline their opposition to Sen. Scott's CWIP bill.
2/ 3/2009:
Radio Story - The state's largest energy provider wants to build a new powerplant but faced opposition from consumer advocacy groups in the state capital Tuesday.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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