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December 2003 Stories
News summary for the week of December 15, 2003
Radio Story - State Auditor Claire McCaskill is behind the refusal of several state agencies to turn over personell files.
Newspaper Story - Catherine Hanaway, R-St. Louis County, announced Tuesday her intention to run for Secretary of State against Democratic candidate Robin Carnahan.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Democratic Party has initiated Women's Coalitions across the state to spark and sustain political enthusiasm in female voters.
Newspaper Story - Money released by Gov. Bob Holden to Boone County school districts has left superintendents thankful, but wanting more.
Newspaper Story - Catherine Hanaway, R-St. Louis County, will announce on Tuesday her intention to run for Secretary of State in the 2004 election.
Newspaper Story - A prefiled bill for the 2004 legislative session has proposed a stamp tax on illegal drugs bought and sold in the state of Missouri.
Radio Story - Missouri's House Budget Committee chairman agrees there could be a budget shortfall next year, but much smaller than the administration projections.
Radio Story - State Budget Director Linda Luebbering says the governor is going to ask for tax increases in next year's budget. Meanwhile, Republican House Budget Committee Chairman Carl Bearden admits the state is facing a budget shortfall, but says Governor Holden is overestimating the deficit by almost $700 million.
News summary for the week of December 8, 2003
Radio Story - Former Public Service Commission chairman Kelvin Simmons will take over Missouri's Department of Economic Development after long-time director Joe Driskill resigned amid investigations into fraud in a tax credit program overseen by the department.
12/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - A Republican-led legislature decided to block a rule by Gov. Bob Holden, which would allow workers to bargain over fair share.
12/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - The state is denying the unemployment claims of more than 6,000 workers involved in October's strike and lockouts.
12/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - The Missouri Supreme Court today unanimously dismissied a lawsuit challenging the power of the governor to withhold money from the education budget.
12/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - State Auditor Claire McCaskill calls the Missouri foster case database shocking. The state also ranks in the bottom third in the nation for reimbursing foster parents.
12/ 8/2003:
Newspaper Story - State senators have prefiled two bills that will retread foster care issues that were vetoed by the Governor last session.
12/ 8/2003:
Radio Story - The Missouri Dept. of Revenue reports that state tax revenues have increased nearly six percent compared to last year. However, State Budget Director Linda Luebbering says it is unlikely more withholdings will be released.
12/ 8/2003:
Newspaper Story - Of the $190 million in No Child Left Behind Title I funds, almost none is going to Missouri high schools. Instead, the money is going to lower grades, where it will better improve students' performance, officials say.
12/ 8/2003:
Newspaper Story - A mock-vote to give gays and lesbians the right to a civil union in Missouri was overwhelmingly passed by high school students acting as senators and house representatives.
12/ 8/2003:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Department of Economic Development reacted immediately to information that one of its tax credit programs was being defrauded, director Joe Driskill said. Allegations that the department reacted slowly are inaccurate, he said.
12/ 8/2003:
Radio Story - Mental Health employees find themselves at the bottom of the totem poll when it comes to raises.
12/ 5/2003:
News summary for the week of December 1, 2003
12/ 5/2003:
Radio Story - Governor Holden issued an executive order that would make union and non-union members pay union service fees. The legislature's joint committee on administrative rules will decide December 8th whether or not to block this rule.
12/ 5/2003:
Newspaper Story - State officials say they'll have less money for hazardous waste cleanup and enforcement activities unless legislators extend the collection fees that support them. And with fewer funds available for individual state efforts, the Environmental Protection Agency may have to assume a greater role in the activities.
12/ 4/2003:
Radio Story - Representative Matt Bartle drafted a bill placing MoDOT under the direction of the governor.
12/ 3/2003:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Supreme Court was told the governor's withholding of funds from public schools violates the state's constitution.
12/ 3/2003:
Newspaper Story - For school districts seeking to get state money withheld from education, it's now a waiting game.
12/ 2/2003:
Radio Story - Toll roads would go up on I-70, I-44 and some Missouri bridges if voters decide toll ways are needed. People who travel on these roads would be paying the toll so no tax increases will occur.
12/ 2/2003:
Newspaper Story - The director of the state's Transportation Department announced his intention to step down from the agency next year. Henry Hungerbeeler's resignation comes just weeks after an independent citizens panel appointed by the state's Highways and Transportation Commission recommended management change at the highest levels of MoDOT.
12/ 2/2003:
Radio Story - Gov. Bob Holden announced Tuesday that he will release $83 million dollars to education, after the state received federal aid money earlier than expected.
12/ 2/2003:
Radio Story - Rolla Republican Senator Sarah Steelman's proposed resolution would put the issue of banning gay marriages in the hands of Missouri voters.
12/ 2/2003:
Radio Story - If passed in both houses, Senate resolution proposed by Rolla Republican Senator Sarah Steelman would allow Missouri voters to decide whether or not to change the State Constitution to ban gay marriages.
12/ 2/2003:
Radio Story - Henry Hungerbeeler, the much maligned Director of MoDOT, says he'll step down following a scathing report faulted MoDOT's management for the departments lack of credibility with the public.
12/ 1/2003:
Newspaper Story - A legal battle over withholdings to K-12 education that began in July makes its way to the highest court in the state Wednesday.
12/ 1/2003:
Radio Story - Mobile home landlords would be required to offer one-year leases under legislation filed Monday by Sen. Maida Coleman (D-St.Louis). The bill would also eliminate "no cause" evictions and set safety standards at mobile home parks.
12/ 1/2003:
Radio Story - Henry Hungerbeeler announced his resignation from his position
12/ 1/2003:
Radio Story - The Taxpayers' Research Institute of Missouri and Associated Industries have the results of their year-long study: gambling is good for the economy.
12/ 1/2003:
Newspaper Story - Prefiling for Missouri's legislatures 2004 session began on Monday. Issues range from gambling to tuition cost, from veils to cloning.
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