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2012 Revenue Stories
Radio Story - Committee continues to work on proposal for higher education funding in Missouri
12/ 5/2012:
Radio Story - In a move unprecedented in recent memory, the FBI comes to the state Capitol to meet with staffers.
12/ 5/2012:
Radio Story - Rep. Jeff Roorda prefiled bill forcing drug dealers buy tax stamps with a penalty if they get caught without them.
12/ 4/2012:
Radio Story - Rep. Jeff Roorda trying to keep families out of shopping malls on Thanksgiving
Radio Story - Republicans condemn Gov. Nixon's support of Medicaid expansion.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Nixon announces support for Medicaid expansion while many Republicans state opposition.
Radio Story - Missouri will lose state tax revenue if no deal is reached in Congress to lower the federal income tax in 2013.
Radio Story - STL developer Paul McKee's attorney call for court to restore his $390M TIF in north city
Radio Story - State Auditor uncovers issues within Missouri State Lottery Commission
Radio Story - Missouri sees 6 percent jump in international student enrollment
Radio Story - Director of the Mo. Dept. of Revenue has refused to attend the past three committee meetings on government bidding
Radio Story - October job reports show Missouri's unemployment rate is still below the national average.
Radio Story - With less than one week until the election, Missouri's candidates for governor spar over failed Mamtek factory.
Newspaper Story - Missouri lawmaker's have to decide to expand Medicaid by the 2013 budget or leave many uninsured.
Newspaper Story - A few Missouri lawmakers are working on bonding bills to make capital improvements
Newspaper Story - Missouri legislators discussed a tax plan Thursday to generate $750 million for the state's highways.
10/ 5/2012:
Newspaper Story - Rep. Chris Kelly, Missouri convenience store group bring their arguments to Columbia on cigarette tax
10/ 2/2012:
Radio Story - Despite price increases, Missourians won't see a bacon shortage
Radio Story - Ameren asks for $375.6 million. Customers ask why.
Radio Story - Rep. Jay Barnes proposed a bill to improve the DED before it was audited and will continue to do so.
Newspaper Story - U.S. Rep. Todd Akin and incumbent Sen. Claire McCaskill traded barbs on Akin's controversial comments
Radio Story - High ranking Republicans join in calls for Saint Louis local control.
Radio Story - Car buyers not purchasing from Missouri auto dealers still not subject to sales tax
9/ 7/2012:
Newspaper Story - Car taxes, contraception likely on tap for Sept. 12 veto session
9/ 5/2012:
Radio Story - Governor Nixon is in hot water again after an audit reveals he shifted $1.7 million in office costs.
9/ 5/2012:
Radio Story - Missouri lawmakers return Wednesday to take up vetoes by Gov. Jay Nixon.
9/ 4/2012:
Radio Story - Governor Nixon won't take a stand on increasing Missouri's cigarette tax.
Radio Story - Supporters say new state law puts brakes on red light camera tickets, but could slow down city revenue.
Radio Story - STL Cardinals want tax credits to develop area around Busch Stadium.
Newspaper Story - As Missouri lawmakers head home, many issues touted by leadership failed to gain traction and pass.
Newspaper Story - Statehouse News Summary for May 16, 2012
Newspaper Story - Despite setbacks, the House and Senate finalize the state budget one day before the constitutional deadline.
5/ 9/2012:
Newspaper Story - Statehouse news summary for May 9, 2012
5/ 8/2012:
Radio Story - Missouri lawmakers pass legislation that would allow a sales tax increase for projects in Kansas City and St. Louis
5/ 8/2012:
Newspaper Story - News Summary for May 7
5/ 8/2012:
Newspaper Story - News summary for May 8
5/ 3/2012:
Newspaper Story - The state's budget is in a gridlock as the House and Senate cannot come to an agreement.
5/ 1/2012:
Radio Story - Mark Twain Commemorative Coin awaits on approval of U.S. Senate.
5/ 1/2012:
Newspaper Story - News Summary for Tuesday, May 1
Radio Story - Missouri environmental groups oppose increases in utility rates to construct a nuclear plant
Newspaper Story - A two day gridlock over the state's budget ended late Tuesday evening as the Senate passed their plan.
Radio Story - The Senate has officially passed the state budget and now goes to conference committee.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate decided not to cut healthcare benefits for the blind and visually impaired.
Newspaper Story - Missouri Senate approves a budget plan that would restore funding to the blind
Radio Story - Has the time come to raise the tobacco tax to save Missouri's economy?
Radio Story - The Missouri House endorses new requirements for economic development incentives following Mamtek failure.
Newspaper Story - After eight hours of debate Missouri's $24 billion budget has yet to receive a vote in the Senate.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate rejected an attempt to eliminate a proposed wage increase for state workers.
Newspaper Story - A week after the Senate Appropriations Committee finished mark-up, the budget has yet to be debated on the floor.
Radio Story - Westinghouse and Ameren Missouri partner to apply for federal grant money to develop small modular reactors.
Radio Story - After House Democrats vote down a bill that would create gold currency, it passes.
Radio Story - State Auditor gives fair report to license offices procedures and contracts.
Newspaper Story - State Auditor said he would appeal a court's ruling on a ballot issue that would eliminate the state's income tax
Newspaper Story - The Senate Appropriations Committee approves a $24 billion budget for the state.
Newspaper Story - Construction is underway on Capitol stairs.
Radio Story - Missouri veterans are waiting on a dedicated source of funding.
4/ 3/2012:
Newspaper Story - Conservative senators blocked a tax credit to bring sporting events to Missouri.
4/ 3/2012:
Radio Story - Bill that would require parental consent for tanning debated in House.
4/ 2/2012:
Radio Story - After taking advantage of federal tax exemptions, Missouri Employers Mutual is the subject of House legislation.
Newspaper Story - Missouri newspapers could face increased costs for printing materials.
Radio Story - A bill that would repeal tax credits for newspapers passes through committee.
Radio Story - A Missouri Senator vows to block efforts that generate one-time funds for the state's budget.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House gives first round approval to the state's operating budget.
Radio Story - St. Louis city officials say they want control over firefighter pension fund.
3/ 8/2012:
Newspaper Story - Missouri lawmakers go on spring break after passing business bills, but many things remain on their agenda.
3/ 7/2012:
Radio Story - A Senate bill will restrict Missouri public contracts with companies who invest with energy sections of Iran.
3/ 7/2012:
Newspaper Story - Budget sent to House floor with level college funding and cuts to the blind still intact.
3/ 7/2012:
Radio Story - Democratic Senators filibuster bill...again.
3/ 1/2012:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House is reversing the cuts to universities by slashing funds for the blind.
Radio Story - A Senate committee heard a bill establishing the Missouri Works Program
Radio Story - Faith leaders gather to protest pay day loans at the Capitol.
Newspaper Story - State Auditor finds unreasonable spending by local insurance company, triggering an FBI investigation.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Jay Nixon's administration was accused of faulty accounting in crafting the state's budget.
Radio Story - Missouri House members attack the Nixon administration over management of state funds.
Radio Story - Representatives file bills to prevent future economic development failures
Newspaper Story - A state representative has filed legislation that could change the landscape of economic development projects.
Radio Story - Representatives passed through to the full chamber a bill to allow ads on the sides of school buses.
Newspaper Story - House Republicans cut $68 million in health programs in a push to add money to public universities.
Newspaper Story - The House International Trade Committee heard a compromise to the Missouri-Kansas border war
Newspaper Story - Senate committee passed a bill allowing students in failing schools to use a tax credit to go to private schools.
2/ 9/2012:
Newspaper Story - The elimination of state income tax was debated Thursday.
2/ 8/2012:
Newspaper Story - Legislators are once again taking a look at a proposal to allow the state to collect taxes on Internet sales.
2/ 7/2012:
Newspaper Story - House budget leaders criticized the governor for shuffling employees around state agencies.
2/ 7/2012:
Newspaper Story - Gov. Jay Nixon cushioned his 15 percent cut of public universities with money from a mortgage settlement.
2/ 6/2012:
Newspaper Story - The bill proposes the government enter into a partnership with companies to provide funds for interstate repair.
2/ 6/2012:
Radio Story - The introduction of a new bill means the Senate is now involved in the debate over turning I-70 into a toll road.
2/ 6/2012:
Radio Story - A bill that would require all Missouri voters to have a government-issued photo ID is again up for debate.
2/ 6/2012:
Radio Story - The house passed through a bill providing children easier access to their mothers in prison.
2/ 6/2012:
Radio Story - Lt. Gov. Kinder's budget proposal questioned due to last year's travel expense reimbursement.
2/ 1/2012:
Radio Story - Edward Jones Dome Discussions on the Senate floor the same day the CVC presents future dome plans to Rams.
Radio Story - Bill that would bar public sector unions from withholding employee fees ended in filibuster Tuesday.
Newspaper Story - A House committee approved a bill Tuesday that takes a step to create an international trade hub in St. Louis.
Radio Story - Acting director Jason Hall appeared before a committee today to approve his appointment.
Radio Story - Republican Senator introduces bill barring welfare recipients from gambling
Newspaper Story - Missouri Representatives hope to introduce renewable energy to the capitol building and Missouri state parks.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Jay Nixon is advocating larger budget cuts to higher education than advertised by his budget director.
Newspaper Story - A House Committee approved tax incentives for data storage centers and amateur sporting events.
Radio Story - Government money may go to private schools
Radio Story - Senators voice objection to Governor Jay Nixon's proposed budget.
Newspaper Story - Members of Missouri Senate committee express concern on parts of Nixon's 2013 proposed budget
Newspaper Story - Some lawmakers worried flat gambling fee will drive gamblers across state lines.
Newspaper Story - Missouri senate resolution wants to repeal amendment banning state funding for religious institutions
Newspaper Story - Senate Committee hears testimony on scaling back tax breaks after issue failed last year.
Newspaper Story - The first issue to pass the Missouri House puts limits on state spending.
Radio Story - The first issue to pass the House puts limits on state spending.
Radio Story - The House investigation into Mamtek's failed Moberly plant heard testimony from the company's patent lawyer.
Radio Story - Missouri's trucking industry voiced opposition to making I-70 a toll road.
Newspaper Story - Changes to the formula to determine public school funding are being delayed to further explore the issue
Newspaper Story - Senators question members of the Economic Development department's on involvement in the Moberly Mamtek project.
Newspaper Story - MoDOT warns Missouri lawmakers I-70 could become a parking lot unless it becomes a toll road.
Radio Story - MoDOT says making I-70 a toll road would be a solution to the infrastructure problem on the 60 year old highway.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's public universities bore the brunt of Gov. Nixon's 2013 proposed budget cuts.
Radio Story - Senate Committee hears public testimony on plans to bar employers from requiring union membership.
Radio Story - Top House leaders react to the budget the Governor released tonight that cut funding for higher education.
Radio Story - Gov. Jay Nixon has proposed cutting funding from all public colleges and universities.
Newspaper Story - House budget committee passed a constitutional amendment that would limit future state spending.
Newspaper Story - Missouri legislators look at changing school funding to deal with budget shortfalls in education.
1/ 5/2012:
Newspaper Story - The House Budget Chair plans to stop allowing the Governor to spend funds outside the normal budget process
1/ 5/2012:
Newspaper Story - State revenue dropped over two percent from last year as Legislature braces for budget showdown.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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