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2003 Transport & Safety Stories
12/ 5/2003:
Newspaper Story - State officials say they'll have less money for hazardous waste cleanup and enforcement activities unless legislators extend the collection fees that support them. And with fewer funds available for individual state efforts, the Environmental Protection Agency may have to assume a greater role in the activities.
12/ 4/2003:
Radio Story - Representative Matt Bartle drafted a bill placing MoDOT under the direction of the governor.
12/ 2/2003:
Radio Story - Henry Hungerbeeler, the much maligned Director of MoDOT, says he'll step down following a scathing report faulted MoDOT's management for the departments lack of credibility with the public.
12/ 1/2003:
Radio Story - Mobile home landlords would be required to offer one-year leases under legislation filed Monday by Sen. Maida Coleman (D-St.Louis). The bill would also eliminate "no cause" evictions and set safety standards at mobile home parks.
12/ 1/2003:
Radio Story - Henry Hungerbeeler announced his resignation from his position
Newspaper Story - Leading Missouri Republicans have criticized a proposal that would require increases in sales tax rates when state revenue falls below a prescribed level. The measure, turned into the Secretary of State's office by a group of lobbyists, ignores needed reforms and simply seeks new sources of tax revenue, Senate Majority Leader Mike Gibbons said.
Newspaper Story - Several legislators said MoDOT making some good changes after the departments report before a joint committee.
Radio Story - MODOT will ask for toll road authority. Also, a bill passed by a committee chaired by Sen. Kit Bond would raise more than one billion dollars for MODOT if it passes through Congress.
Radio Story - Sixty Missouri law enforcement agencies and task forces will get funds to help stop Missouri's growing methamphetamine problem. Officials with the Missouri Sheriffs Methamapetamine Relief Team, also known as MOSMART, say that the counties will use the funds for anything from training to equipment.
Radio Story - SSO's cause raw sewage to be dumped into rivers and waterways
11/ 7/2003:
Radio Story - St. Louis Circuit Judge Steven Ohmer decided to issue a permanent injunction against conceal and carry. Attorney General Jay Nixon issued his appeal to the Missouri Supreme Court. It's up to the court to decide whether or not the law is Constitutional.
11/ 6/2003:
Radio Story - A newly marketed device promises to allow drivers to change traffic lights from red to green, just like emergency vehicles do when responding to a call.
11/ 5/2003:
Newspaper Story - Columbia's legislators plan to prefile bills concerning issues such as gay rights, rock climbing walls, and toll roads.
11/ 4/2003:
Newspaper Story - While MoDOT officials continue to prioritize within tight financial constraints, one group is calling for better oversight of its operations, as well as more input from the commission that oversees it.
Radio Story - The Missouri Department of Health, with help from the Center for Disease Control, provided additional funding for health agencies around the state to prepare for a potential bioterrorist attack. The funding began last year, and agencies were able to hire new positions to specialize in bioterrorism preparation. The renewed contract provides agencies with close to six million dollars.
Radio Story - Missouri has the third worst road conditions and this has ruined MoDOT's credibility
Radio Story - Candidates add to the public's diminished confidence in MoDOT
Newspaper Story - Missouri Social Services Department and regional Community Actions Agencies will work together to help low income households pay their energy bill during the winter. The funds come through the national Low Income Home Energy Assitance Program.
Radio Story - Missouri roads are among the worst in the nation and critics charge the problem lies with the misallocation of tax dollars.
Newspaper Story - Federal statistics may suggest that Missouri has become a less safe place to work. The state reported a 21% rise in fatal work injuries, and ranked ninth nationally for total cases.
Radio Story - Calls have poured in from Missouri citizens since the legislature overrode the governor's veto, allowing citizens the right to conceal and carry. Since the override, sheriffs' deparments have created an application for citizens who want permits. The applications are finally ready.
Radio Story - With the high cost of prescription drugs, some states are looking to Canada for cheaper prices. But, some in the health field voice concerns.
10/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - As of Saturday, anyone over the age of 21 with a legal handgun can carry it -- fully loaded -- inside their car.
10/ 7/2003:
Radio Story - A task force is revamping a bill that would levy a fifty-cent tax in order to install enhanced 911 systems.
10/ 6/2003:
Radio Story - Republican Rep. Larry Crawford has criticized Gov. Bob Holden's decision to ban concealed weapons in state buildings.
10/ 1/2003:
Newspaper Story - Two Missouri legislators who support the concealed weapons law will not try to keep municipalities from prohibiting guns from busses and other forms of public transit. Rep. Larry Crawford, R-Centertown, and Speaker Pro Tem Rod Jetton, R-Marble Hill, said it is the right of local governments to disallow concealed weapons on public transportation and in city buildings. They did predict that city restrictions will eventually be relaxed.
Radio Story - Nursing homes in Missouri must follow strict safety standards.
Radio Story - State auditors say that weigh stations with predictable hours promote truckers to break the law.
Radio Story - Missouri law says that most trucks can't weigh more than 80,000 pounds, but State Auditor Claire McCaskill says the Highway Patrol is lax in enforcing the rule.
Radio Story - The House and Senate have successfully legalized concealed weapons and Missouri firearm retailers are focused on what will happen next.
Radio Story - Local gun stores say they have received an increase in phone traffic after lamakers passed the conceal and carry bill.
Radio Story - Florida started conceal and carry trend 16 years ago.
Radio Story - Missouri follows the trend started by the Florida legislature 16 years ago.
Radio Story - With the Senate's override of the Governor's concealed weapons veto, it is now up to the sheriffs' offices to implement the bill.
Radio Story - The governor unveiled Missouri's new anti-terrorism license plate today during a special ceremony.
Radio Story - The new concealed weapons law allows anyone over 21 to carry a loaded gun in a car, forcing police to treat every traffic stop as if it's an encounter with an armed driver.
Newspaper Story - While the Missouri State Senate waits for Dolan to return for Cuba, the House voted to override Holden's vetoes on abortion and concealed weapons.
9/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - Legalizing concealed weapons is one of the most divisive issues that will be discussed at this Wednesday's veto session.
9/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - Republican lawmakers consider legalizing concealed weapons a top priority.
9/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - Republican leaders are hoping to overturn as many as seven of Gov. Holden's vetos.
9/ 8/2003:
Newspaper Story - Guards and bomb sniffing dogs no longer line the Capitol entrance
Radio Story - Fans could be fined up to $5,000 and charged with misdemeanor
Radio Story - The senate gave unanimous approval to legislation that's designed to make it more difficult to access the ingredients used to make methamphetamine.
5/ 8/2003:
Newspaper Story - Missouri law provides stronger oversight of farm animals and pets than children housed in some child-care residential centers.
5/ 6/2003:
Radio Story - As many as ten state representatives are missing out on budget negotiations at the state capitol because they're helping clean up storm damage in their districts.
5/ 6/2003:
Radio Story - A tornado warning in Jefferson City forced an evacuation of all lawmakers and lobbyists down to the basement of the capitol.
5/ 6/2003:
Newspaper Story - Tornado causes Capitol evacuation.
Newspaper Story - Several years after the legislature first took up nursing home reform, a bill that would increase fines on nursing homes with violations while relaxing inspections on those with good records is on its way to the governor's desk.
Newspaper Story - In response to the shrinking space for new inmates, a measure that would decrease prison sentences for "non-violent" offenders came before a House committee Tuesday.
Radio Story - During floor debate on the budget, Dougherty debated the merits of a program that helps the kids become self-sufficient.
Newspaper Story - Education takes the brunt of budget cuts as passed Thursday by the Senate Appropriations Committee. The committee recommended slicing a combined $361 million from education to help solve the state's 2004 budget woes.
4/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - Dougherty is behind a bill that would require license-exempt religious organizations to comply with state safety standards
4/ 9/2003:
Newspaper Story - As students around the country observed a Day of Silence Wednesday in support of making schools safer for gay students, the attention at the state Capitol turned to legislation that opponents say would move in the opposite direction. The House Education Committee has passed a measure that would prohibit school districts from having stricter non-discrimination clauses than those mandated by state and federal government.
4/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - The bill deals with the state's abuse hotline, criminal background checks, and case worker liability.
4/ 8/2003:
Radio Story - A Senate committee was urged to let Missourians carry concealed weapons without voter approval.
4/ 8/2003:
Newspaper Story - With many areas of Missouri in need of new roads and bridges and the Missouri Department of Transportation without any new revenue options, quiet talk of toll roads has been floating around the legislature.
4/ 8/2003:
Newspaper Story - Senate committee hearing on conceal and carry legislation
4/ 3/2003:
Newspaper Story - Funerals and retirement parties are just a few of the places state officials have flown on the taxpayers' dime, according to State Auditor Clare McCaskill. In a report released Thursday, McCaskill details her department's year-long audit of state passenger plane use from 1999-2001.
4/ 1/2003:
Newspaper Story - Sen. Jon Dolan used to be CIA. Now he is the most outspoken legislator in General Assembly.
Newspaper Story - At a deployment ceremony Thursday at the state's National Guard headquarters in Jefferson City, members of the 1221st Transportation Division said their goodbyes to family, friends and sweethearts. From there, no one knows where they are going or how long they will be gone.
Radio Story - Ameren UE and the Department of Conservation closed the area around the Callaway nuclear facility.
Newspaper Story - Conservation area now closed around nuclear plant since nation is at level orange.
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers who are reservists in the Armed Forces said they will not hesitate to postpone their duties at the Capitol if called to active duty in support of a war with Iraq.
Radio Story - As a result of the heightened terror alert level, medical staff at the Missouri Health Department will be putting in longer hours.
Newspaper Story - Faced with the prospect of imminent war with Iraq, state lawmakers and officials are evaluating Missouri's preparedness and considering roles it may be called on to play.
3/ 7/2003:
Newspaper Story - Driver licensing offices that handle 30 percent of Missouri's motorists would close if a Republican proposal gets final approval
3/ 6/2003:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House passed a bill Thursday that would allow citizens to carry concealed firearms in Missouri, with 108 votes in favor and 33 against the proposal. Now the bill has to be discussed in the Senate.
3/ 6/2003:
Radio Story - As the military prepares for a possible war with Iraq, one state senator who serves in the National Guard says he may get called to duty.
3/ 4/2003:
Radio Story - The Missouri House gave first round approval to a bill that allows for the carrying of concealed weapons.
Newspaper Story - The Senate voted Tuesday to prohibit St. Louis and other city and state governments from suing gun manufacturers due to negligent sales and distribution.
Radio Story - The Senate gives initial clearance to a bill that would prohibit state and local government from suing gun manufacturers.
Newspaper Story - The Commission on Children's Justice is searching for solutions to the juvenile justice system problems by forming small working groups. The commission's preliminary findings will be published in a report due out by March 28.
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers hear bills to allow citizens to carry hidden pistols.
Radio Story - Jon Dolan says an inspector general would do the job
Newspaper Story - Seal criminal records after ten years
2/ 5/2003:
Newspaper Story - A bill to create a state-wide system for abduction alerts moved closer to becoming state law Wednesday. The Senate gave preliminary approval to the bill, which would establish the "Alert Missouri System."
2/ 5/2003:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's House responded to complaints from law enforcement officials that 20 hours is not enough time to charge arrested individuals. Some officials, however, feel that a citizen's civil liberties could be violated with the proposed 30 hour cap.
Radio Story - A new California law giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants won't undermine Missouri licenses standards, but it does have implications for anti-crime, anti-terror, and immigration control efforts.
Radio Story - The Missouri Municipal League is trying to help cities ban hidden guns in buildings like city hall through a model ordinance.
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